Saturday, December 17, 2011

Looking back at December:

Whitney’s baby Shower, we had a lots of fun watching Whitney open lots of PINK!!

Christmas with the Parsons and Christmas with the Dodges both Christmas’ were before East Asia this year which was nice but super busy!!!

Bon voyage headed to the other side of the world! Latterly!!! Please be praying for us as we are on the mission field!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

November Recap:

Let see all things I skipped this month…Secret Church with David Platt Oh so good, I love this intense time of teaching and learning.

We are getting ready for East Asia, it was looking a little rough with the money situation but God will provide we are confident!!

We finally presented at First Baptist Miamisburg about last year’s trip, fun and praying for God to provide for this year!

We did a Thanksgiving/Christmas all-in-one with Granny before she headed to FL.

Canceled our vacation but were able to spend time with my husband.

May have had a rough time coping with our lack of funding but God is faithful and my husband is patient.

One of our Elders found out he may have cancer and some other complications…Please pray for Big Rick.

Shopping with the sisters, and lots of Thanksgiving!!

Enjoyed the Muppets

Happy Birthday Bella

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October Recap:

I really enjoy my Non Coffee dates with Ali, it has been super great getting to know her better!!

Fall Retreat was a much needed rest and the woods made it very relaxing, I will say that cooking chicken in the oven then transporting in a cooler to continue cooking on the grill makes for a very interesting morning! But the chicken and the potatoes were so yummy!

Happy Birthday Ben!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fundraiser in Oxford

Raised over $300 Yea!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fundraiser in Dayton

Not the best day very little turn out but God is still in control and we are so thankful for that!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fundraiser at Moms

Really a great day we had lots of fun and raised over $300!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

September Fun:

Here is a brief recap of what happended this month I am sure I missed a lot…

More Freshman Dinners = lots of crazy kids and a good deal of fun!!

Pray for Bentley’s Family! There was a car acciedent in the Trailer part and a 2 year old boy was hit and killed by a car. Very sad and hard to deal with.

Holiday Weekend and Never ending pasta! Both are wonderful things!!!

SBH Visit and Networking

Happy Birthday Josh and We are Constituted! The Bridge is constituted that is.

School Starts for Me, and I am not sure I am ready for a year of classes!

Women’s Retreat and Dinner Date and Women’s Night

Monday, September 12, 2011

Good Morning Sun

Today I start a journey back to where I should be. I refuse to stand stagnant on the sidewalk of life, and let others pass me by. Often I feel like I live my life alone, with very little support. If you know me then you know that I am constantly on the go…not always by choice but sometimes. We live 50 minutes from our church and I work 90 minutes from our home (in the other direction) my support at work is well work related. My support at home is in a ministry where I am the daughter of a leader. And at our church I am often the woman sitting next to the pastor. I have found myself avoiding conversations because frankly the “how’s it going” kind of makes me want to scream. If you really want to know then ask but sadly I know you don’t based on your response. Please don’t aim to make a point to dwell on how hard my life must be or how “I can’t imagine how you do it” Let me tell you a secrete I don’t do it...God does. There is no way that I am able to do what I do. I don’t say that to boast I say that with complete humility in the fact that God is God and I am not. Then by removing myself from conversation I become more of a shadow than a part of the community or family. It is easier to be strong on the outside if no one sees the pain on the inside. Tragic I know. When did the Church become a place of fronts and masks…well we are all human…and sadly we feel that in its self is justification enough. But we may be human but when we are born of the Spirit we have a new identity in Christ and that is what our standard should be. So let’s say good bye to all put together me and allow others to see my pain but more than that let them see Jesus in and through me. I should not have my focus on my pain it should be on his sacrifice. So rather the sun is shining or not be sure to say Good Morning to the Son!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wanting to Thrive but Sometimes Just trying to Survive

I frustrate myself I know what I am supposed to do and how I should think but I allow the world to cloud my judgment and change my reaction to everything. I seek encouragement and so often I get pity. It is hard to focus on the Good when you are constantly reminded of the not so Good! Yes my/our situation is not perfect…far from our idea of perfect. But for some reason God has handed us this life. And though I do not understand it I have to give him praise for what he has given and how he has blessed us. We have a home, one we do not have to pay rent on, plus Granny is only there half of the time. I have a job that pays the bills not always sure how but it does. And with all of it God makes it work…it can be challenging but who said life was gonna be easy? So thank you Lord for your gifts of goodness and for your never ending love. Teach me to trust and to focus on the blessings even if they are the challenges!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Day of the Party

Well we started the day off with our FREE Chick-fl-ia breakfast, Yum. After that we headed to a comic book store…which was not open so we circled back to Goodwill first, then back to the comic book store where JP met a friend who loves Marvel Vs too…well he might like it more since he played the pro circuit. Crazy! So they chatted for a bit and then we headed to target and lunch. After lunch we were pretty much on time to head to the party. JP thought that the party was in Columbus but it was notJ. So we headed to the church and once we had parked he noticed Erika’s car and I thought the whole thing was blown but it was not! He was just completely confused! But it was lots of fun we had a great turn out and tons of superheroes!! Thanks guys you are so great!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Set Up

My cover was that I was counting beads, it may sound crazy but it worked since we have a women’s event planned for next week and beads are part of the whole deal. So I headed to the church to work on the decorations and such…we were there for 2 hours not too bad. I think it looked pretty good!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Freshman Dinner Weekend #1

It is crazy to think another year has already began and it reminds me

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Welcome back to church

Crazy Day #1 officially! We had church this morning in the Trailer park and were blessed to have those who were there. Though it has been a slow growth I really think we as a church are starting to reach and make a difference in the lives of the families in this small community. After church we had the uptown fair where the students handed out cups and Bridge information to all the new freshmen. After the fair was over we headed to OBF to set up for our evening service. God is so great we had a wonderful turn out and what was even more crazy was the 60 students that met us at the house after church to hang out and eat pizza! One week down, a semester or two to goJ.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happy Birthday to the Crew

We celebrated Mark, Dustin, Jamey and Tracy’s Birthdays today at Mom’s it was a nice relaxing party! Much needed after this past week.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Uptown concert and Ultimate Frisbee…we had a pretty big game going. Lots of new students playing…we have a great feeling about this year!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Freshmen are Coming, the freshmen

Each year I am still amazed by the craziness that surround move in and school starting. You would think I would be used to it by now...well I am not!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Health Fair and Sanding

We had our health screening today at work; I was pretty excited since I HDL (good Cholesterol) had went up a decent amount! Then after work I headed over to Dawns to help her sand those lovely walls. Oh so much dust!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Strange to be home on a Tuesday

With the students arriving my/our schedules have been all mixed up. There was no Clubhouse tonight so Josh and I were both home it is really quite odd. Welcome to August I suppose.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ready or not here come the students…or just the foundation team J

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Home at last

So I headed to Huber to pick up my husband! So very glad he is home at last…well for a few days before things get crazy with school starting.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Quarter Auction

Another auction but we were not nearly as successful as last time…you win some and loose some…maybe next time will be better!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ready for my husband to be home 

I know it is only Thursday but I am ready for my husband to be home…

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dinner with an old friend!

So on my week to myself I scheduled a date with an old friend. Jess (not my cousin). I had dinner with her, her husband and their daughter; it is amazing how even after a few years of not seeing each other it is so easy to reconnect! God has really blessed them and I am so happy for them!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Visit from my Cousin!

So with all the craziness with people leaving my cousin Jess decided to come and visit…she is from Alaska so it is kind of a far trip. It was fun seeing her for a day or two. It had been a while since we had last seen each other.

More family heading out

Ok so not only has my husband, parents and sisters left town, but my brother-in-law and father-in-law are gone too! Good thing I am house sitting at least they have cats J

Wishing Stars

Today I learnt how to making wishing stars. They are small origami stars that start as a strip of simple paper. They can be made from pretty much anything, newspaper, straws and other things. When in Asia we were given some of these and really did not know the meaning behind them. But through a little research I found out what the mean or what some use them as. There are called wishing stars. Typically you write down a wish or a hope you have and then wrap it up very tight and put it in a jar. After reading this I started thinking about how silly that seemed, but the more I thought the more I realized that is what we do so often. Maybe not with a symbolic paper star but without hearts and minds. We pray that God will grant us this or that, we ask our hearts desires. But when we are not answer in our timing we fold up our request and toss it into a jar that was filled with past requests. When we do this we tend to forget what was written on that paper. We forget what we begged for. And if or when God grants us our plea we have long forgotten we even asked. Though this may be a stretch for some us to relate to, it is a reality in my life. I ask God and I ask God, then I assume that my prayers are as purposely as if I were wishing on a star. They are just dreams that I would like to see happen but somehow give up on. Many know my story and where I am within this mess of driving and home sharing. But few know my heart. Few know how it is hard to be hopeful when every other time it falls through. I stopped telling people when I had applied because they were excited and had hope, and I could not have hope because I was attempting survive. If I had to through another wish in a jar I was not sure I would have anything left. But God never asked me to throw away my hopes and dream he only asked me to be patient.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Load em up and head out

well with half my family gone you would think no big deal well today JP and the mission team from Oxford headed to Detroit for the week! Yes I know it is gonna be a quiet week L.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Family Vacation without me

It is always interesting when your family has a “family” vacation and you cannot go. But when it all comes down to it I am not super bummed just a little. I have the vacation time at work but with East Asia approaching again, I really need to save all the time I can and I cannot justify using it for vacation and then coming up short for the mission trip. But it will all work out in the end…So for now good bye family have fun in the islands!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Cards and Cookies…they are not meat

The guys came over and I was working on cookies…ok so the cookie dough looks a little like meat…or a lot but they are so yummy they are red velvet cookies! So good.

Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies
makes 12-15 cookies

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon red food coloring

1/2 cup white chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375.

Cream butter and sugars together until fluffy in the bowl of an electric mixer. Add egg and vanilla and combine until smooth. Beat in red food coloring. Stir in cocoa, flour, baking soda and salt until just combined, scraping down the sides when needed. Fold in chocolate chips.
Using an ice cream scoop, scoop out 1-2 tablespoons of dough and set on baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes

Good Bye UPS

Though I am super excited that JP is able to work full time in ministry it completely terrifies me that we are going to attempt to survive on my income and mine alone. I know God will provide and that is what we are leaning on! Please pray for us enter into this new phase of our lives.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dinner with the Cargles

I really love any date where we go out to Olive Garden!

Monday, August 1, 2011


That is how I felt after our running extravaganza or so it was really just a run to the end of the road and back but with the heat and humidity it was no fun…whose idea was it to run in 85 degree weather…oh that would be me.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Week of the Parties and some exciting news

We will focus on the parties the news will have to wait. We had 3 birthday parties this week! Crazy! The 1st was for Kerstin she is Christina’s niece. Jaysa one of the children from the Trailer park was the 2nd and Tyler Josh’s cousin was the 3rd. So we had one Thursday, Saturday and Sunday J

July Update

The end of summer is approaching and we are gearing up for another year! With just a few weeks until the students arrive there is still much to do. 7 palates of power aid and water have arrived and are ready to be labeled for move in. 21 returning students are preparing for our August mission trip to Detroit. Don’t forget the children, our 4 week long program has ended and ended well! We are back to once a week (Tuesday Nights) currently we are working with a local church using another Vacation Bible School curriculum. After the Miami students arrive we will start back with after-school tutoring program.

Please be in prayer for the 21 students that are ending their summer on mission. Also pray for the new and old students that will be headed to Oxford this month, Pray that God will be revealed to them and that this campus will be radically changed for Christ. And lastly pray for East Asia we will be sending a team again this Christmas, pray for the hearts of those considering going and that God will provide the means for them to go. Thank you for your prayers and support, you are a blessing, the VBS materials were wonderful!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Work out week…well we are trying to get back on track

So after many weeks of skipping. We have attempted to get back on track. We worked on Abs this week and hopefully we will be able to get going and stay with it. It has been really hard with our crazy schedules and laziness.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


The youth from Oxford Bible Fellowship wanted to help raise money for our Clubhouse ministry so the held a walk-a-ton. Though there was not a huge turnout it was still beneficial the raised $400 for the ministry. Thanks Guys!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Clubhouse week 4

The week ended with a carnival. I am pretty sure Josh is happy that the weeks are over, it has been crazy. Now he gets a short break before the next wave of craziness.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Cook out for the 4th

OH how hot! After church this week we had a small cook out/pool party. It was super-hot! But fun. We cooked hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill and relaxed in the pool. After the cook out we headed to the Husted’s for their cook out party. By this point I was a little pink so I avoided the sun while they played volleyball. I was just happy knowing I did not have to drive into work in the morning.

Day off!! Happy 4th!

Now work today, so instead I headed to oxford to help with Clubhouse. This week was a VBS. So when the youth team got there we had them set up and decorate. I had to drive the Minivan to pick up the kidos. Numbers were down due to the holiday. I ended up teaching the preschool/kindergarten class and the 7 youth that were in the class with me. The kids were great the youth a little more challenging J Give me 20 Two year olds and I will be fine, but give me a room of 5 youth and I may go crazy.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Dawn is officially the owner of a home. Sometimes I wonder how I became the runt of the family. I seem to be a step behind, instead of moving out of our apartment into a house we moved in with granny. Instead of getting a job closer to home I took one 86 mile away. Am I crazy? Who knows all we can do is pray we are following God’s leading.

June Update

June has been pretty exciting in Oxford. We began our Sunday morning services (Sundays at 11am) and have had various families from Oxford attend. Please pray that God will continue to open doors to the community, allowing us to serve and share God's Love.

We just finished our first week of clubhouse and have already started week 2. Week 1 we averaged 35 kids each day, it was a great week. The kids went fishing with the Oxford Police and then visited the Zoo. Please continue to keep all the volunteers in your prayers as they look toward the next few weeks. Weeks 2 and 3 are understaffed, pray for God's provision during these weeks. Please pray for the children that their hearts will be opened to God's Love and that the stories they hear will become real and put a desire in them to know Christ.

Also end of July/ early August we will be sending a mission team out, the plans are still being put together, please be in prayer for the preparation of the trip as well as the hearts of the team that will be going. Please continue to be in prayer for the students that are on mission this summer, rather it be in Oxford, another state or another country. We have a number of students that have been obedient to His call. We pray that they have safe travels to and from, and that every encounter will be a testimony to the Gospel. Pray that they will stay focused and that God will change their lives in radical ways that will not be just for a summer but for a lifetime. Thank you for your prayers and support, you are a blessing!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Steve Retires

So it has been a pretty crazy week with Steve retiring. Steve is 3 bosses above me, he is basically the second in command on our floor. He is pretty easy to work with and pretty well like. So his retirement was kinda big deal so we went all out. The theme was Steve Goes to Training. We had certificates and a story book. It was lots of fun.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Clubhouse week 3 Movies and Horseback Riding

This week was about traveling. They took the kids Horseback riding, where they toured the stables and learned how to ride. Then on Friday it was off to the movies, they all got to go see Cars 2. The kids were pretty pumped.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Olive Garden, JoAnn’s, the Storm and Cleaning out the Basement

Dinner with Dawn and Swapna YUM! We had a quick chat and dinner at our favorite spot. Then Dawn and I headed to JoAnn’s with mom. We just needed to pick up thread and a few other things, and since we had a coupon we decided to go. We while at the store the lights flash a few times and the storm hit. We were trapped for a while since it was “raining cats and dogs” finally we braved or ran franticly to the car so we could head home. Once home Dawn and I headed to the basement to sort boxes since she had been looking at houses and was working on moving out.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Clubhouse week 2 Nature and Culture

So apparently this week was science week; the kids went rock hunting, the nature museum and to Huston woods. I heard the museum was quite amusing since there were costumes of animals and such. Josh is having tons of fun but defiantly wore out…2 weeks to go.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rain Sticks and Noah… Happy Father’s Day

This week was my Sunday to teach the children at church, we talked about Noah and the arc. So for the craft we made rain sticks with the memory verse on them. Oh I forgot how much fun it is to teach 2nd grade. I truly miss being a part of the church sometimes I wish things were different but for now I will wait for God to make the changes he sees fit.

JP Dental Apt, baby shower and cleaning…deep cleaning

Yea! No cavities. I went with Lynn to a baby shower for Josh’s Cousin’s Wife it was not too bad except I really don’t know them and ya know. After the shower Josh had plans to hang out with Nathan so I started cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning. I worked on the basement and the spare room. I swept and mopped. I did laundry and dishes. I guess you can have spring cleaning in June right?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Father’s Day Dinner

This weekend was the father’s day banquet at First Baptist it was tons of fun and I had a blast making an underwater sculpture out of fruit. J

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mission team and Clubhouse week 1 Fishing and the Zoo

This week was official the start of Clubhouse for the summer. Christina, Amy and Josh are running the show. They are basically running a day camp for the kids in the community. This is a four week long program so we are praying for help and patience. This week we were blessed to have a mission team help out with everything. Each week they take the kids on field trips, this week was fishing with the Oxford Police and then Friday at the Zoo…no worries everyone returned home safely J.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Men’s brunch and Girls Night

Josh went to the Brunch with his dad and brothers. I left after my fruit setup and when home to chill/get ready for the 20 girls that were headed my way for our summer girl’s night. It was tons of fun we made pizza and for dessert we had a fruit pizza decorating contest. Yum we made GF pizza for me and my sis it was so yummy!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Quarter Auction

This was a first, Lynn has gone a few times and invited me but I have not been able to go until now. Basically everything valued at:

$1-$25 cost 1 quarter to bid

$26-$50 cost 1 quarter to bid

$51-$75 cost 1 quarter to bid

You bring your quarters and you bid on different items! Lots of Fun! There was Mary Kay products, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, Longaberger, 31 Bags, and bunches of other home sale items.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Designing a Fruit Tower

This week was the men’s breakfast for Father’s Day. I was asked to make a fruit sculpture…they were pretty vague with what they wanted in particular so I sat down with D and we came up with elaborate Under the Sea meets Gone Fishin’ it was tons of fun!! Last night I went to work on the creation. I had a handful of youth that volunteered to help…they were helpful!! Everything turned out wonderful!! Pictures soon to come!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Morning Kick Off

Morning service was good I ended up watching one of the kids that wanted his momma, we colored with Chalk and then after church Marie showed up for the block party! Yea Marie, we all miss her L

Garage Sale and XMen and a Melt down

Went garage saling with my mother and sisters today it was fun; I did not spend a dime. Which is probably a good thing J After the garage sales I headed home to see my hubby and the new XMEN movie. It was really good! We went with a bunch of the students from Miami. After the movie I had a slight melt down, possibly since I had been in Columbus all week and really felt like I was not a part of anything that I used to be a part of. It is really frustrating when you go from a role where you contributed and were asked to be a part to a role that is nonexistent and where people are afraid to ask you to help because of your situation. So rather than feeling a part you feel like you are being pushed out and don’t belong.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Two Night Not at Home

So each week I typically stay a night in Columbus to save a little on driving to get a little extra rest. However this week has been crazy. I was in cbus Tuesday night, came home Wednesday night, the banquet was Thursday so I stayed in cbus that night then tomorrow is garage saling with the family so I will not be home until Saturday afternoon. In Oxford it was the kids concert JP attended, after the concert Chad was teasing about how JP has not seen me this week and was asking if we needed to go to counseling. Well one of the students was very worried that we were really having issues…but we are not…we other that we have crazy schedules and I am ready for bed.

Girl Scout Banquet

Last night was Gwyn’s banquet for Girls Scouts she asked if Dawn and I would come, so we did. It was cute to see how much the girls had accomplished over the year. We also had red velvet cookies…yum!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May Update

As many of you may know summertime does not mean things slow down at the Bridge, in many cases they speed up and time gets filled up very quickly. June 5 we are beginning morning service (11am) on the westside of town. We will be reaching out to the families of the children that we work with through Clubhouse. We are praying that God will continue to open doors and give us opportunities to serve and minster to these people. June also begins our 4 week long Backyard Bible Club/VBS/Clubhouse in June. We are still working on getting volunteers these weeks. We have a mission team coming in the 1st week (June 13-18) and we have another local church helping the last week (July 5-9) Please pray that God will continue to provide the workers for the two middle weeks (June 20-24 and June 27-July 1.)

Continue to pray for the students that are heading into the mission field (or that are currently there) for part or all of their summer. We also are planning our August Mission Trip and Christmas Mission Trips, Please be in prayer as students and committing to service God and step out on faith to go. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


After this week vacation was sounding soo good! Well I took Friday off so we could head to Indianapolis to chill and have a weekend away, off the grid as JP calls it. So Friday morning we get up and head to Newport to see the fishes. I have never been to the aquarium it was lots of fun! After the aquarium we found out that we did not have a hotel in Indianapolis due to the Indy 500 rooms were overbooked and we were bummed. We tried really hard to find a hotel that was open and did not cost an arm and a leg, but we did not succeed. So instead we stayed at home and had a ‘staycation’. We had dinner at Ruby Tuesdays YUM, except JP was not feeling so great (good thing we stayed home) Saturday was nice we slept in and Granny left with the boys to head to KY for the day. So it was just me and JP. Later in the day we headed to Fairborn to hit some book stores, comic stores and goodwill and ice cream. It was fun we just did some running had Texas Roadhouse for dinner and then headed home. Sunday we got up and went to Apex for church the music was great and the message was straight from the word! After Church we had Chipotle for lunch and headed to the in-laws to work a Veggie Puzzle J it was so cute. Monday was the last day of our staycation we had lunch with the in-laws and then headed to Meijer and Walgreens to use my coupons.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Training Week

This week has been a crazy week Monday and Tuesday I held training for our CSNs we had a small group on Monday and 10 or 11 on Tuesday. I trained them on our new outpatient billing system. I really enjoy training and planning for these events!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sushi Night with the Girls

we had tons of fun making and eating sushi, Dawn was a great teacher J

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Coupon Night

Ok So Happy Homemaker Cindy came and did a seminar at Miamisburg. It was great we all learnt a lot about saving and stock piling. So I have officially began my stock pile and coupon adventure! Watch out Grocery Stores here I come!!

Friday, May 13, 2011


Have you ever looked at Abraham and said to God “I will sacrifice my son, I will give him to you” but God was silent. Sometimes we expect our chosen sacrifice to be sufficient, God I will give you this or you can have that. But when God reached out and requests that one thing we are all up in arms…why that? That’s too much. But God is asking for ‘us’ completely and fully. He wants our hearts. In my mind I assume that by giving God the tough stuff I can get by dealing with the rest, but that’s not how it was intended nor does it really work that way. I can pretend that I am walking on the water, but in really the pond is just frozen and about to crack any second. God I give you it all, teach me to lay it down at your feet and not pick it back up.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

No Plans Thursday!!

Nothing scheduled? Are you sure? Trust me I triple checked but nothing is on the books, we are free to night! I transplanted my plants they are looking great!! We ate Chipotle and then chilled with our Ice cream on the couch! Such a wonderful night!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Work Out #2

We skipped the work out and opted for mowing and weed wackin' Still burned lots of calories!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Swapna and I need Sleep, OH and my coupon binder

Olive Garden!! YUM meeting with Swapna always means food! J I really don’t just go for the food! I was so out of it last night, but I managed to complete my coupon binder tote is turned out really good for the first one.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Work Out #1

That’s right JP and I are getting fit! And oh was it a fun work out, we are using the Wii to train. Thank goodness we have a cool basement because it is hot outside.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dentist apt and Happy 70th birthday Helen

I really like my Dentist and No Cavities! We just recently got dental INS so I have not been in 3+ years so I was way nervous!! After the dentist we headed to Cbus for Helens surprise birthday party!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Boys Night Out and Dinner with the Fam

Josh had plans with the guys to go see Thor and I had plans to do dinner with my family for Lisa birthday, Yum Long Horn!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Planted my seeds!

Last month we had a women’s night “seeds of kindness” and we all go seed packets, well I have tomatoes and peppers so I planted them! We will see how they do.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Girl Scouts and Photo Books

I stayed in Cbus tonight since gas is crazy expensive and JP had to drive the gas hog truck. So I helped with the girl scouts they were making photo books for their mothers. Oh to be so young again they are fun kids.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Oh Gas Prices!

I just want to Cry!!! 4.19 really?

Saturday, April 30, 2011

That Time of Year :(

Graduation is coming quick (May 8th) This year's graduating class has a special place in our heart, since many of these students were our first class of freshmen back when the Bridge began, we have seen them grow up and mature over the last 4 years. It is sad to see them go but we pray that the years they spent at Miami and the Bridge has equipped them for their next journey. After graduation comes the Summer. We are working on having 4 weeks of Backyard Bible Club/VBS/Clubhouse during the summer. We are currently working on getting volunteers and funding for these weeks. We have a mission team coming in the 1st week (June 13-18) and we have another local church helping the last week (July 5-9) Please pray that God will provide the need workers for the two middle weeks (June 20-24 and June 27-July 1), and that we are able to get the needed supplies/resources to provide lunch each day. 
We also have a few students that are heading into the mission field for part or all of their summer, I will have more info next month, but please keep them in your prayers.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Oh what a busy week!

4/25 let the Training Begin: We have been working on the New CSN project and my head is spinning so much to learn before I can train others!!! And not to mention I have something planned every night this week! AHHH

4/26 Dawns Pampered Chef Party: Dawn had a great party she had like 12 or so people there! Yea Dawn!

4/27 Meeting with Elizabeth Wow is has been so long since we have gotten to meet, I love spending time with my girlfriends.

428 Erika’s Pampered Chef Party

4/29 Ricky’s Graduation Party

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dinner and Tron.

We went out with Nathan and Erika YUM!! And then we headed back to our place to watch Tron, a Happy early Easter present to Josh.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Secret Church

Really all I can say is wow! We attended the secrete church simulcast it went from 7pm-12:30am it was great! Lots of information and a few smacks in the face.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ISAIAH 43:2-3a

 "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior"

Becasue He Loves Me Chapter 1 Thoughts

I find it frustrating to realize that my reactions are currently based solely on the law. I guess I should expect that they are since that is how we learn and are taught, but still frustrating. So basically I don’t do this or that because there is a rule in place that advised me not to. I mean that is not totally bad but Do I refrain from stealing because it might hurt someone or make my county sad? Do I plan to never miss church because if I do miss it will influence others or make me further from God? No, well not exactly though I may not do these things because the outcome may hurt someone or have a consequence but truly I don’t seal or skip church because somewhere in my upbringing I was taught that we are not supposed to steal because it is “bad” and a “sin” and skipping church though not a “sin” it is still a basic expectation that I attend…I mean the bible says to go…right? And truly that is how we are taught, by being conditioned to do as we are told and to expect a standard outcome. If we go to church then mom’s happy, if we steal then we get in trouble, and the list goes on. We skip the rationalization of the why and head straight for the outcome… this equals bad, this equals good. But how good is good and by what standard?

Lately I feel like I have been working to reach my desired outcome with God; if I read and study and pray this prayer then God will answer me in the way that I expect. I mean if you ask for rain then God will give you rain, right? That is what they teach you in Sunday school, “ask and you shall receive” “God will meet all your needs.” The part we tend to miss is that it is all “according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” And if we are solely focused on ourselves we are going to miss Christ’s riches. In my mind am being the best Christian I can, I follow all the rules I am praying for people and being patient. I am working for what I want. This is the problem “I am working” in many ways probably against God. I have basically told Got to sit right there and I will plead my case, but instead of pleading my case to God I have continually pleaded my case to myself and others, making them see my side of the story letting them think that I have been so faithful to God and why is he not being faithful back. The sad part is that many have blindly led me further down my path of action instead of affection towards Christ. The more I do, the more I am entitled to, and the less I see of Christ.

I don’t seek Christ’s love I seek approval and sometimes it is not even his approval that I seek. As long as I can justify that I am doing the right stuff and on the right track then I have done my part. The rest is up to God…but I don’t even leave him any room. I am attempting to line my actions up with a model Christian rather than with Christ.

I find it ironic that this week is Easter since that is really the time everyone focus’ on the gospel. But the realization that the gospel should change our daily walk, it is sad that is feel like this is a new revelation, it is challenging. To rethink scripture that I have twisted in my mind…example Luke 9:23 to carry our cross is not to do it alone, to die daily is not to beat down ourselves, we are to rise above our self-desire and seek Christ for help. And looking at God’s Love I find it easy to see it at the birth and death and resurrection, but I somehow miss it in the life…and there is so much that we were given in the life of Christ. Through his teachings we see God’s heart and through Christ personality see the characteristic of the loving and all-mighty God.

Monday, April 18, 2011

No Longer Newlyweds!!

Happy 2 years to us!! Oh how crazy it is to think that we have been married for 2 years or 720 days as Josh pointed out. Some days it feels like we have been together forever and others it feels like we were married just last week. We decided that we are no longer newlyweds since no one really knew when the cut off was we decided 2 years was good enough for us. We for our anniversary we went out to the melting pot YUM one of my favorite places. It was a very nice night we had dinner and relaxed. I got a new ESV Study Bible and a super sweet purple external hard drive for my picture J so great!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Party and a Wedding

Well the rain did not stop my mother. We planned for an outdoor egg hunt and by golly we had one…two. We all arrived at the house around 10am so mom could give the kids/grandkids their baskets and such. The rest of the crew arrived around 11 and the hunt was on we hid aprox 500 eggs outside, the kids began to hunt and within 15-20 minutes the skies opened up and it poured…So we all rushed inside and decided to eat lunch and hunt after the storm. It was lots of fun watching the kids as they ran around all crazy and such. HAPPY EASTER!!
After the Egg hunt Josh and I headed to a wedding for his cousin. The wedding was outside and Oh how cold it was! It was a quick wedding and the reception was nice. We had a Parson family photo shoot at the reception, Josh’s mom Loves family pics 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back From FL

Welcome home Granny, I am I ready to make the needed adjustments? I hope so. Please Lord help us all transition and adjust easily.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Well JP and Chad are headed to IL for a conference for the week. Those poor boys will have to say in a wonderful condo for the week, such a rough week!  They will be in sessions from 9am -10pm or later L they will return sometime Friday… Miss you!!  Well while Josh is gone I will be staying with my fam! Tonight was spent with the nieces and nephew, they helped me fill 400+ Easter eggs with candy! We had tacos and played with Sam! Pretty easy night!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


So many super cute things, bags baskets, blankets and clothes!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


We now have insurance YEA!!! So we visited our lovey new eye doctor’s office to get our eyes checked out. Josh wanted to upgrade to contacts and I am getting new glasses.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Last week was an interesting week, work was not as crazy or it did not start out that way. I have really been trying to be patient and let God work in His time; I have prayed that my strength will come from Him, for understanding and peace for where I am currently. Thursday was so hard and frustrating I was so tried coming into work; I did not understand why this is how God had planned it and if this was the plan then why did it feel like it was not working? I have been reading Esther and how she went and was obedient not knowing why she was where she was, and I am reading/finished "Sun Stand Still" it talks about how when we get out in the water God leads us to the waves, he does not abandon us but hold our hand through the wave. And even though I feel like this is a wave that is way too big, God is so much bigger and all I can do is jump in obedience. Sunday was good; I cannot tell you much about the sermon L but God revealed a lot about how we expect prayers to be answered and how we miss how they really are answered. Since we have moved I have been able to serve the church in different ways, the ladies have been able to come to our house for women's nights, we have had couples dinners. My work schedule has allowed me to go on 2 spring breaks and china things that probably would not have been a possibility or a much more complicated one. I have been able to minister to my family in Columbus and the parson crew in Dayton; I am able to be a part of the women's min at Miamisburg where I am not the old one in the room. I was really humbled realizing that God has answered many of my prayers some that I forgot I had prayed. And I think I am starting to understand that God really does work for the good of his people "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 (NIV)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Last night was Andrew’s Birthday Party so he had asked if they could have the party at our house, more space. He had 10 or so guys over Josh decided to stay home and hang out with the boys and I decided to spend time with my momma-in-law. We went and saw “HOP” very cute, then headed to O’ Charley’s for some soup, then the movie marathon continued with Tangled …. So cute it was funny since I had just recently gotten all my hair cut off. Happy Birthday Andrew!

Friday, April 1, 2011


Dinner with my lovely husband! We went to Olive Garden for dinner YUM! After dinner we stopped by to drop off my ring to be cleaned and did a bit of grocery shopping then headed home for a good old western movie: American Outlaws. Great Night
We are headed into the final stretch of the semester. Baltimore was great! Our family has grown we had 2 of our students accept Christ during our trip (Sarah and Elizabeth), along with these students there were 23 students from Morgan State University that also came to Christ. God is so great!! Please keep these students in your prayers.  Upon our return the students have been actively seeking to serve and pray for the campus. 2-3 or more days a week they have been out on campus with a prayer tent. They have been able to pray for many of the students, staff and others on campus. It has been so encouraging to see the students want to reach their campus. Now that spring break is over many students are looking ahead to graduation, choosing a major and many other things. With these decisions please pray that God will reveal Himself and that they will be obedient to his call.  Please continue to pray for our students, that they will be lights on campus, bold in their faith and continue to seek God whole heartedly. Please pray for our student leaders and staff that they will be renewed daily by Christ. Thank you for your support.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Well I got pulled over this morning, I was drifting, I was tired, I seem to get tired at the same point each morning it is always the last 20 min of my drive. Well this is pretty much how my morning began. Pulled over on the side of the road by a very nice officer who thought I might be tired or drunk, well officer I do not drink, since I leave my house at 5:30am each morning headed for a 80 min drive I will go with tired. I did not get a ticket or any other trouble he just thought I should take a moment to stretch my legs and wake up a bit. Well I don’t know about you but getting pulled over will pretty much wake me up no need to stretch those legs anymore. J I was pretty flustered when it all happened. I am so tired of driving I really am, I am tired of getting to work and feeling half dead. Then turning around and driving home and then repeating it each day. I just want to cry...oh wait I already am. L I know I said I would be ok if I did not get this job but I am not sure how much longer I can do this. I have been praying for God to help me get through all of this frustration and such, but I feel like the more I pray the harder it is and the more tired I get.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Couples Dinner

The Bridge had a handful of students that are in dating relationships, Josh and I thought it would be fun to have a couples’ night that included these students. So we had our first Bridge couples dinner. It was lots of fun we had each couple bring a dish; Josh and I took care of bread and meat. Dinner was very tasty. After dinner we played a modified Newly Wed game. So funny!! I think everyone really enjoyed themselves, it was fun!

Friday, March 25, 2011


A couple of our students at the Bridge (Danny and Spencer) have a Christian Rock/Thrash Band. They entered a battle of the bands competition. They made it to the second round so Josh and I decided we would go to support. I am not huge concert fan or thrash music…now that I truly know what it is. Their band was good; some of the others were harder to understand. Josh and I had not eaten dinner and felt really old so we went to Crackle Barrel with Brian and his girlfriend; we went from the oldest in the room to the youngest. Congrats Boys the band made it through to the next round! 

Monday, March 21, 2011


I have been debating getting my hair cut…well today I did it, I chopped it all off or most of it.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Really can’t we all get along?

Saturday, March 19, 2011


We had a birthday party for Jess and Chad, Chipotle themed. Most of the gifts were wrapped in chipotle paper or bags, and the cake oh how much fun!! Happy Birthday Guys!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Back from spring break and now a new project for the CSNs. I sat in meeting after meeting this week attempting to learn about a system that will be used for outpatient billing, I work with the inpatient (very different). Never less I will be training a group of people on this new system, but first I have to understand how this system will be used and why, etc. oh such a long process.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Such a great week it is always a blessing to see our students step up and serve.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February was a busy short month. Spring Break and midterms will be here very soon. We are very excited for our Spring Break Mission Trip (March 5th- March 13th); we will be heading to Baltimore, Maryland. We will be working in the inner city doing various outreaches. We have approximately 35-40 students signed up to attend. Please be in prayer for the team as they travel (by vans) during this week. Pray for everyone that we encounter, that they see the love and hope that is available in Christ. Also we ask that each person on this trip be forever and radically changed. As we have reached the midpoint of the semester many of the students are making plans for the summer. We pray that God will be the center of these decisions. Please pray that they will be willing to follow God’s call with a joyous heart. Please continue to be in prayer for the upcoming summer as we work to figure out a plan for summer Clubhouse and Vacation Bible School. We will need many volunteers, please pray that God will provide the workers that we need and that they have a heart for the children. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Saturday, February 26, 2011