Thursday, December 1, 2011

November Recap:

Let see all things I skipped this month…Secret Church with David Platt Oh so good, I love this intense time of teaching and learning.

We are getting ready for East Asia, it was looking a little rough with the money situation but God will provide we are confident!!

We finally presented at First Baptist Miamisburg about last year’s trip, fun and praying for God to provide for this year!

We did a Thanksgiving/Christmas all-in-one with Granny before she headed to FL.

Canceled our vacation but were able to spend time with my husband.

May have had a rough time coping with our lack of funding but God is faithful and my husband is patient.

One of our Elders found out he may have cancer and some other complications…Please pray for Big Rick.

Shopping with the sisters, and lots of Thanksgiving!!

Enjoyed the Muppets

Happy Birthday Bella

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