Saturday, July 30, 2011

July Update

The end of summer is approaching and we are gearing up for another year! With just a few weeks until the students arrive there is still much to do. 7 palates of power aid and water have arrived and are ready to be labeled for move in. 21 returning students are preparing for our August mission trip to Detroit. Don’t forget the children, our 4 week long program has ended and ended well! We are back to once a week (Tuesday Nights) currently we are working with a local church using another Vacation Bible School curriculum. After the Miami students arrive we will start back with after-school tutoring program.

Please be in prayer for the 21 students that are ending their summer on mission. Also pray for the new and old students that will be headed to Oxford this month, Pray that God will be revealed to them and that this campus will be radically changed for Christ. And lastly pray for East Asia we will be sending a team again this Christmas, pray for the hearts of those considering going and that God will provide the means for them to go. Thank you for your prayers and support, you are a blessing, the VBS materials were wonderful!!

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