Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February was a busy short month. Spring Break and midterms will be here very soon. We are very excited for our Spring Break Mission Trip (March 5th- March 13th); we will be heading to Baltimore, Maryland. We will be working in the inner city doing various outreaches. We have approximately 35-40 students signed up to attend. Please be in prayer for the team as they travel (by vans) during this week. Pray for everyone that we encounter, that they see the love and hope that is available in Christ. Also we ask that each person on this trip be forever and radically changed. As we have reached the midpoint of the semester many of the students are making plans for the summer. We pray that God will be the center of these decisions. Please pray that they will be willing to follow God’s call with a joyous heart. Please continue to be in prayer for the upcoming summer as we work to figure out a plan for summer Clubhouse and Vacation Bible School. We will need many volunteers, please pray that God will provide the workers that we need and that they have a heart for the children. Thank you for your prayers and support!

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