Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wanting to Thrive but Sometimes Just trying to Survive

I frustrate myself I know what I am supposed to do and how I should think but I allow the world to cloud my judgment and change my reaction to everything. I seek encouragement and so often I get pity. It is hard to focus on the Good when you are constantly reminded of the not so Good! Yes my/our situation is not perfect…far from our idea of perfect. But for some reason God has handed us this life. And though I do not understand it I have to give him praise for what he has given and how he has blessed us. We have a home, one we do not have to pay rent on, plus Granny is only there half of the time. I have a job that pays the bills not always sure how but it does. And with all of it God makes it work…it can be challenging but who said life was gonna be easy? So thank you Lord for your gifts of goodness and for your never ending love. Teach me to trust and to focus on the blessings even if they are the challenges!

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