Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May Update

As many of you may know summertime does not mean things slow down at the Bridge, in many cases they speed up and time gets filled up very quickly. June 5 we are beginning morning service (11am) on the westside of town. We will be reaching out to the families of the children that we work with through Clubhouse. We are praying that God will continue to open doors and give us opportunities to serve and minster to these people. June also begins our 4 week long Backyard Bible Club/VBS/Clubhouse in June. We are still working on getting volunteers these weeks. We have a mission team coming in the 1st week (June 13-18) and we have another local church helping the last week (July 5-9) Please pray that God will continue to provide the workers for the two middle weeks (June 20-24 and June 27-July 1.)

Continue to pray for the students that are heading into the mission field (or that are currently there) for part or all of their summer. We also are planning our August Mission Trip and Christmas Mission Trips, Please be in prayer as students and committing to service God and step out on faith to go. Thank you for your prayers and support.

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