Friday, April 1, 2011

We are headed into the final stretch of the semester. Baltimore was great! Our family has grown we had 2 of our students accept Christ during our trip (Sarah and Elizabeth), along with these students there were 23 students from Morgan State University that also came to Christ. God is so great!! Please keep these students in your prayers.  Upon our return the students have been actively seeking to serve and pray for the campus. 2-3 or more days a week they have been out on campus with a prayer tent. They have been able to pray for many of the students, staff and others on campus. It has been so encouraging to see the students want to reach their campus. Now that spring break is over many students are looking ahead to graduation, choosing a major and many other things. With these decisions please pray that God will reveal Himself and that they will be obedient to his call.  Please continue to pray for our students, that they will be lights on campus, bold in their faith and continue to seek God whole heartedly. Please pray for our student leaders and staff that they will be renewed daily by Christ. Thank you for your support.

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