Saturday, April 30, 2011

That Time of Year :(

Graduation is coming quick (May 8th) This year's graduating class has a special place in our heart, since many of these students were our first class of freshmen back when the Bridge began, we have seen them grow up and mature over the last 4 years. It is sad to see them go but we pray that the years they spent at Miami and the Bridge has equipped them for their next journey. After graduation comes the Summer. We are working on having 4 weeks of Backyard Bible Club/VBS/Clubhouse during the summer. We are currently working on getting volunteers and funding for these weeks. We have a mission team coming in the 1st week (June 13-18) and we have another local church helping the last week (July 5-9) Please pray that God will provide the need workers for the two middle weeks (June 20-24 and June 27-July 1), and that we are able to get the needed supplies/resources to provide lunch each day. 
We also have a few students that are heading into the mission field for part or all of their summer, I will have more info next month, but please keep them in your prayers.

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