Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Day of the Party

Well we started the day off with our FREE Chick-fl-ia breakfast, Yum. After that we headed to a comic book store…which was not open so we circled back to Goodwill first, then back to the comic book store where JP met a friend who loves Marvel Vs too…well he might like it more since he played the pro circuit. Crazy! So they chatted for a bit and then we headed to target and lunch. After lunch we were pretty much on time to head to the party. JP thought that the party was in Columbus but it was notJ. So we headed to the church and once we had parked he noticed Erika’s car and I thought the whole thing was blown but it was not! He was just completely confused! But it was lots of fun we had a great turn out and tons of superheroes!! Thanks guys you are so great!!

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