Monday, September 12, 2011

Good Morning Sun

Today I start a journey back to where I should be. I refuse to stand stagnant on the sidewalk of life, and let others pass me by. Often I feel like I live my life alone, with very little support. If you know me then you know that I am constantly on the go…not always by choice but sometimes. We live 50 minutes from our church and I work 90 minutes from our home (in the other direction) my support at work is well work related. My support at home is in a ministry where I am the daughter of a leader. And at our church I am often the woman sitting next to the pastor. I have found myself avoiding conversations because frankly the “how’s it going” kind of makes me want to scream. If you really want to know then ask but sadly I know you don’t based on your response. Please don’t aim to make a point to dwell on how hard my life must be or how “I can’t imagine how you do it” Let me tell you a secrete I don’t do it...God does. There is no way that I am able to do what I do. I don’t say that to boast I say that with complete humility in the fact that God is God and I am not. Then by removing myself from conversation I become more of a shadow than a part of the community or family. It is easier to be strong on the outside if no one sees the pain on the inside. Tragic I know. When did the Church become a place of fronts and masks…well we are all human…and sadly we feel that in its self is justification enough. But we may be human but when we are born of the Spirit we have a new identity in Christ and that is what our standard should be. So let’s say good bye to all put together me and allow others to see my pain but more than that let them see Jesus in and through me. I should not have my focus on my pain it should be on his sacrifice. So rather the sun is shining or not be sure to say Good Morning to the Son!

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