Monday, December 28, 2009

Congrats Megan

Winter wedding, Megan a girl Josh and I went to college with Wedding was last weekend. Whit her now husband is in the Air Force so they decided to get married after he finished Basic Training which fell the week before Christmas. So the wedding was December 27. Sunday was nice we got to the church and the ceremony was nice and simple. The crazy part was when we left it was crazy snowing. But despite the winter storm we headed to the reception. Megan’s dress was super sweet she had a little winter shawl that went with it very cute with the pics. We decided not to stay too long since the roads were not looking to fabulous. On our way out we exchanged our Christmas gifts with Nathan and Erika. We got I got an assorted pack of Hot Coco and Josh got sweet pocket watch well kinda you will have to ask him about that,

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tis the Season

Well the holidays are always busy around our parent’s houses, especially at my parents. For the last few years that josh and I have dated we switch off staying the night at one set of parent and the next year we stay at the others. This year was my mother’s house. I love spending Christmas eve with our families. Especially since we live a bit away it is nice to see everyone and to watch the kids tear into their gifts. It is fun. God has continued to bless us this year and we are so thankful for all he has and continues to do.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Christmas in China: Pray for Chad, Whitney, Marie, Amy, Ricky, Christina and Courtney and Rachel as they are ministering in China over the break.

Notes on China

Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Cookies

Christmas cookies why too many but how can you resist the sweet smell of fresh baked sugar cookies or the warm and gooey chocolate chip. Oh my mouth is watering just thinking about it. We love to bake and when better to do it…Christmas of course. So this year we got all 5 sisters, my mother and Grandma Evelyn together to bake/learn to bake. It was tons of fun. We made: No Bakes, Chocolate Chip, Snicker Doodle, Sugar, Snowman Poop, Turtles, Chocolate Covered Pretzels, Fudge and Oatmeal Cranberry…I might be missing a few but you get the picture J Needless to say we had more cookies than we knew was to do so we gave them away!! And gave some more away and still had a few to munch on.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Birthday DAWN!!!!

Good Bye Muffler

A much needed blessing.As many know this semester has demanded us to rely on God fully and December has been no different only more intense. We were blessed with a gift at the begining of the month it was very out of the norm for us though we were blessed to receive it we were not really sure why it had come at this particular time. Well less than a week later God showed us why we were receiving this gift. Josh's muffler exploded on his car and we had to replace the entire back end of the exhaust. God had provided the perfect amount to cover the cost of the repairs and provided the transportation that was needed while Josh's car was out of commission. God's Provision sometimes takes us by surprise but it is such a blessing.

Thank you for being faithful.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner

Fall semester has almost reached it's end! Our Thanksgiving Dinner was a great night of food, fellowship and fun! We had a number of Chinese ladies attend as well as a few new faces to the Bridge! With one holiday down we are still busy with Christmas and China plans. We will be having our annual Christmas with The Bridge on Sunday December 6th @ 6pm in the Shriver Building on Campus. This year we will be accompanied by The MUGS Gospel Choir and The Bridge Children's Choir! After the service we will be hosting a Soup Dinner. We would love for you to join us.

As a church we have been working through the book of Genesis, encouraging students to read along and memorize scripture! God is preparing us for great things please keep the students and staff in your prayers over this Christmas Break, Please pray that we come back with a passion and a fire for the ministry God is calling us to!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Giving Thanks

God has blessed us so much over the last few month! I have been stressed out with work and job searching but he continues to provide and sustain us!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


The focus for the month of October was "Missions" local and global. The children have been learning about being on mission in their homes and at school. Each Tuesday we have approximately 20-25 children and youth!The college students have been organizing and participating in a number of service projects around oxford such as; habitat for humanity, trash pick up, making cookies for dorms, and others. We had 15 Students attend our fall break mission trip; It was a great time as students and staff were able to work together as we made a difference at several organizations. Friday was packed full of activities. In the morning students gave free granola bars and hot chocolate to UC students as they went to class. The afternoon was spent packing backpacks full of clothes and school supplies for homeless children, packing/organizing about 5,000 pounds of food at the FoodBank, spending time with Seniors at a Senior Living Home, trash pick-up, and prayer walking around UC's campus. The evening was an amazing time spent together sharing stories, worshiping, and having bible study..

Miami has rising cases of the Swine Flu. Whitney Moore was diagnosed with Swine a few weeks ago but is feeling much better! Please continue to keep Miami students and the Bridge in your prayers.

Thank you for your prayers and support! Please continue to be in prayer for the students as the prepare for China. Pray for the students and staff as the winter weather sets in! And pray that Miami's Campus will be able to see who God is!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just Spinnin'

Ever had a day where you really just want to cry? Well I am having that week! I feel so displaced rather it is at my job that I despise and feel dis-valued at or at a meeting that I question why I am even there. My world is spinning and I just keep on going to each little thing only to gain no satisfaction. I know people go to work each day and hate there jobs, I know. But I usually don't I usually try to make the most of it and pray for something better. Maybe the realization that maybe this is it, maybe this is where I going to be has struck me and made me realize that it is and sometimes you can't make the best of it, you just can't. And when that happens whats next or what else? Most people would turn homeward or toward their social life for the connection that they need and seek, but for me that means something different, I am a"pastor or something like that's" wife I attend staff meetings for the sole purpose of what...I wish I knew, I am not on staff, my opinions and suggestions really don't matter, so I come for the food and stay for the conversation? but really inside I am frustrated and alone. Usually I hold my tongue and say little but sometimes I am stupid and speak. But when you feel unsupported and undermined by others it just happens sometimes. I mean I know my job and my place to go and do as asked and it is obviously not to make my own choices or suggest something different. Sad Face :( I know God provides and takes care of us, but right now I wish I could feel more of that and less of whatever this is.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


October has been declared "Love Out Loud." So this October we are focusing on local missions in here in Oxford and in the surrounding areas. Each week there is one or more mission focus' along with ways to support missions, through volunteering, prayer or support. Durring the students fall break October 16th-18th there is a trip planned where the students will be serving with The University of Cincinnati's Campus Ministry Team, they will be helping at various food banks and recovery shelters. This will be a great weekend allowing the students to reach out and to learn about missions.

Midterms are approaching and the stress of the semester is setting in for may of our students. Please be in prayer for their decisions and time management skills. Please also be in prayer for the staff as we continue to go through transitions. Also for the church as a whole as we continue to seek God's direction.

Looking a little further this Christmas we are sending approximately 10 students and 3 staff members to China. While in China they will be sharing the Christmas Story. Please be in prayer for the team as the prepare for the trip. Each student has to raise his/her own support so please be praying that God will make the funds available for each student and staff member.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Ella Grace

Ella is 2 weeks old today!!! This is my new niece!! Super Cute!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Columbus? Too Far?

Well today has been another interesting one, I am considering applying for a Job in Columbus, Knowing that I cannot move there at this time. But I figured out the math and it would cost me approximately $16 dollars a day to drive there. So looking at the pay increase and the medicial benefits that would be offered for a 2 hour drive I might consider it. it would mean leaving at 5:30 or 6am and getting home around 6:30 but it would be 3x what I make currently. AHHH I am so not sure Please God give me an answer...don't worry he will just not on my time.

Monday, September 14, 2009

And the Search Continues...

Yes for Jobs of course I am still looking and still getting nothing or so I thought! Today I was introduced to a new concept and with the confusion and uncertainty I am considering it. AIR NATIONAL GUARD. Yep military strange but no so much, my cousin suggested I look in to a Chaplin position they pay of student loans and get paid while working part time, the catch 6years with possible deployment. Not so sure about it just yet

Friday, September 11, 2009

Josh's Birthday

Happy Birthday to my Hubby! SO Josh is 24 today and I set up a scavenger hunt for him around the house and the office. Except I left the clues and keys paper by my bible so he found it opps! oh well he still was confused so it might work after all! Happy 1st Married Birthday Babe!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"And my God will meet all of your needs

according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:19 (NIV)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Sundays seem to have become my day of reflection, and rest Thank the Lord. It is funny how in the past Sundays have always been crazy and sometimes overwhelming but nothing has changed except my attitude and my heart. I enjoy the day for some odd reason I am happy to get up and prepare for the service and the day! Well looking back this week has been long but hopeful. I found a job posting on Wednesday and applied on Friday at 12 the position closed 3 hours later. I pray for an opening somewhere, and some days anywhere! But I know that God has a divine plan for my life the hard part is the waiting for me to recognize or see what that plan is.
Well onto the rest of my week... Monday Staff dinner and band auditions. Tuesday another crazy night of children and followed by coffee house and late night ultimate. We have begun a new series with the kids, we are teaching Acts 1:8 so far it has gone really well. we are starting with who God is and why it is so important to share and how to share him with the world. So far the kids have been pretty interested and are doing well. We also have started doing Youth on Tuesdays since we have had a number of middle and high schoolers show up. That has been great for Josh, so he can connect with some new students. And it gives the kids somewhere to go. Wednesday All access we had a speaker from Austral come in and talk about the newspaper gospel system, it was a neat way to share with others as well as something that I had never really thought about. Thursday worked late and had pancakes on campus even later, 9pm load in and the crew was there till 2am I skipped out around 11:45pm I know lame but that is life. Friday work drug on and we all got a not that they were extending the pay cut for at minimum 2 weeks longer then it would be reevaluated. So that was an uplifting Friday. Saturday however was a wonderful day of sleep and rest!! more to come

Sunday, August 30, 2009

One Week Down Only ... too many to go!

This week has been crazy, amazing, busy, tiring, overwhelming,great...get the picture it has been a week! We have officially kicked off the school year! Students have started class and life is back in full swing.
Recap of the week
Monday 7:30am Garonla(outreach on Campus), 6pm Staff Meeting
Tuesday 7:30am Garonla(outreach on Campus), 6pm Kids Night, 6:30 Cook Out, 7 Coffee House
Wednesday 7:30am Garonla(outreach on Campus), Free NIGHT!!!
Thursday 7:30am Garonla(outreach on Campus), 9pm-2am Pancakes
Friday 7:30am Garonla(outreach on Campus), Momentum!!
Saturday 9am Momentum ALL DAY
Sunday Church and Church!

Yea! Next Week REST!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome Back

Yea the kids are back! AHH the kids are back! Way too many emotions and not enough sleep! Classes started today, it is crazy to think that the summer is over...what summer? I know it does not even feel like there was one! First services went great lots of new faces, and our leaders are doing great I am very impressed with all of them they were great! Let the school year begin!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And Now a Little More!

So life is crazy as always but here is some of the deeper stuff that has gone on over the month!

1. The company that I work for has made cut backs...resulting in a decrease in wages (a 10% cut) it was tough news I have never been demoted it is not a great feeling. The change results in roughly $200 a month. God provides is the lesson I am learning again. At first I felt I personally needed to make up the difference by not spending as much or attempting to bring in more money elsewhere. We had vacation coming and that mean a week of no pay. I had factored in the week but originally the recovery was going to be much easier. Once we got back I received an additional commission check for $125, catching us up for the most part. After that I received a letter that said I had a check that was not cashed from like 2 years ago and they were going to send me a new check for $150. It is funny how God is always there, and the second you start to trust He comes through. Sitting here typing I am almost to tears, Financially I have always been very independent. this is all new!

Friday, August 14, 2009


More to Come Promise!!

I Breif Catch Up!!

As you can tell July flew by! and most of August has too! Let me update you on the last two months...

Starting with Back Yard Bible School

We had approximate 20 kids throughout the course of the week. We saw a few new faces and lots of old ones. Each night a different Staff member taught on a prophet, these are some of the pics of the kids acting out the names prophet and just being cool. We had a great week it was really fun to have everyone teach and share!! Yea Back Yard Bible School!
Next Up: Wedding, RED, Baby Shower(for my sister), Mission Team and VBS

Tracey Got married on June 28th small simple wedding
Dawn's First Wedding cake it was lovelyRED, Baby Shower(for my sister), Mission Team Dinner- all in one Day WOW!!

From Cambridge Ohio and Tennessee!!She is super prego!!

On with the show!! Vacation Bible school and Mission Team work!!

Don't Worry I love every minute of my crazy life!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Moore Wedding!!

Chad and Whitney are officially married! Yea!!
Click Here

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Welcome to the North

We picked up our summer missionary this past Sunday. Her name is Jessica and she comes from Mississippi!! We have lots for her to do not to mention a wedding! She just got in from a mission trip and is ready to go!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Update on Me

I feel like these last few post have been the randomness that surrounds my life but in someways I have not really shared what I have been up to personally. As you know I am not Mrs. Parson I still find myself slipping when I call different offices for insurance or doctor apts. Summer has come back to Oxford and it reminds me of that summer before we launched where the town was quiet but we were just as busy as every. we had an eagerness for the students to return and we really seemed to enjoy each other and ourselves. I know what your thinking the Bridge staff always gets along you don't get frustrated with each other. Well we do we can be as bad as brothers and sisters, probably because we basically are.

Wedding Pictures ...Coming SOON!!

Chad has given us the DVDs with our Wedding pics on I have to find time to go through them LOL but have no fear they are coming soon!

Grumpy Monday

Well as most Mondays today was crazy. But unlike most Mondays I was tested and in someways probably failed. My patience was pushed and my energy exhausted. Was my attitude glorifying to God no I am sure it lacked for most of the day. Let see it all started when I woke up around 3am, then 4am then 6:15am and finally 7:50 when the alarm went off. I packed a lunch for Josh as I thought in my mind I don't really have time to pack his lunch nor did I really feel like packing it, but I did. Josh woke up and I had my minor breakdown, and left for work. I was 15 minuets late, greeted by 68 messages not to mention the emails, and my schedule for lease signings had only changed 3 times since before I had walked in the door. I sat at my desk quiet for most of the day working to stay focused on the tasks before me, but when you are interrupted by 100 phone calls a day it is hard to shut the world out.

I find it quite odd how our emotions and attitudes can be triggered by the smallest thing, I was in a great mood yesterday and then all the sudden I am a grumpy, irritated girl. And in some ways I think it is harder to cheer up than it is to suddenly be ticked off.

On a lighter note...I am not grumpy anymore! LOL

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Welcome Home!!!

Yea!!! We move in this past weekend finally. The new apartment is great there are things I like more and some that I like less about the apartment but we will adjust!! We love our orange wall it is great I can't wait until we are able to unpack the last few boxes!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

wedding website

We have Been Married 1 Month TODAY!! No one is dead yet! LOL

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fire! Fire!

No Really Fire!! Chad's roommate was preparing to cook fired chicken on the stove top and put the oil on high and covered with a lid. So as you might presume the oil caught fire and so did the wall and part of the cabinets. Lots of smoke and the fire department came out and sprayed their yucky foam. No one was hurt and not too much damage! Just a big mess!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Good Bye Ayla

We took Ayla (our Cat) to the vet today, in columbus. She has lost a lot of weight and her skin has a tint of yellow. We found out that she has a liver disease so we had to have her put down. Not a really happy day.

Monday, May 4, 2009


So we went to Target and put all our gift cards on one and then the card got thrown away NO GOOD!! So I called and after an hour on the phone I got it all sorted out where they will send me a new card in the mail with our remaining balance!! Crazy but worked out!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Lisa and Shower for Tracy

Lisa's (big sis) Birthday party was today...the first family event since the wedding. We grilled out it was fun the weather was wonderful! Josh had to mow this morning so he was late but none the less he was there. He stay until Sunday morning and left just before the madness for the Wedding shower began!! We hosted the wedding shower for Tracy the wedding is June 28th and she is expecting August 27th yes crazy. But the shower was all focused on "King" sized candy bars(king will be her new last name) and on how to make lasagna that is her husband to be's favorite meal(and Tracy is not really a cook ... yet!)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Welcome real life

Manic Monday none the less. Today I am starting the full 5 day a week work week and the wonderful 40 hours! Yuck that is what I say Yuck. I miss my free Tuesdays. Oh well welcome back to real life I suppose.

The boys are attempting to cut this week but with the random down pours and the waist high grass it makes it a tad complicated!! ( oh josh and chad are cutting grass for my work they have approx 25-40 yards a week crazy but good)

Saturday, April 25, 2009


We went to Florida (the Destin/Fort Walton area) beautiful weather and wonderful resort! Sandestin Resort highly recommended!!! We visited the beach, the Village of Baytownwarf. Ate at some fun little places, McGuiresir Irish Pub, we ate these things called "Boxties" Josh loved them!! the place was covered with dollar bills it was crazy!!

We did not take pictures while on the honeymoon one I left the camera with the wedding stuff! Oh well with was fun and we will remember it without the photos!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wedding Bells

Well it is Official I am now a MRS. It is kinda weird to day husband. I feel like I have been called wife (not from Josh but everyone else) for a long while but the "husband" part was never really talked about. The wedding went by pretty fast and all went well we had a few minor dress malfunctions like it was still a little to big but mom and the sisters saved the day. The the flower girl stole petals from the ring bearer and the ring bearer fell asleep during the picture very cute. No one was late or passed out. The weather was wonderful and we had fun!!! The rehearsal was lots of fun with the photo booth and the rock band setup. We were able to spend time with friends and family! OH and we ate our lovely CAKE!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Pre Wedding Day Jitters

Today is the day before my wedding. It seems crazy to think that tomorrow my name changes ... at least it gets shorted. LOL Today has been a little crazy we began set up around 9:30 and as we arrived we were informed that the gym floor will be done, the only catch they were finishing it today. So we started setup in the church first. It look nice I really am very happy with how it all turned out! Then we were off to the nail salon and lunch of course!! Once my nails had dried I was on a mad rush to the church for the rehearsal!! The Bride should not be late! But it seems the pastor can be. You see there was a lot of accidents and traffic so Ken was late and so was Rich and the Kids. So Pastor Steve played my father while we did the run through LOL. After the rehearsal we had Marions Pizza and then more decordating... this time we had a killer team to help!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Getting Up to Date

(So I have not been online or near a computer in a while it is true but I am going to go back and journal some of the thoughts and such that I have written down over the last month!)
Starting NOW.... (Really it is May 18 and this is me looking back)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Surprise!! Shower!!!

Krista and the girls from the Bridge through me a surprise wedding shower it involved a lot of toilet paper, a pinata and I was reminded That there is still 21 days to get out!! LOL Thanks Girls!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not a Big Deal

It is funny when you expect everything to stay the same or go back to normal, knowing that it is and will be completely different. The kids got back this week and it was great to see their lives changed and the connections that they formed and all that. But in seeing all this I realize how distant I am. Even thought many know my name or can recognize my face I still feel as if I am a complete outsider or just a guest in this whole thing. They have bonds and stories and can relate, I have very little to offer. I am busy with work, kids ministry and attempting to afford my life. Frustrated in all of this not at them but I guess at me, maybe because I had the unrealistic idea that my feeling of loneliness last week would disappear when they all returned this week. But sadly it has increased...

But as I am told "It not a Big Deal" which is so many ways makes it worse how something that is not a big deal upset me so much.

"0 I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Co-Ed Shower

More pics to come they are not on my computer yet!

This is the cake Dawn made YUM!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Click to see full image!!

Poor Little Chicken Wing!

So I am sitting here trying to recoup from my day of too much stress really it is gonna kill me one of these days. Lets recap: I got to work today to find out that one of the ladies I work with got fired! Great...she was making the necklaces for my wedding which is in less than 40 days. She has all the materials and I can't get a hold of her. One of our girls is prego and too sick to work today and the one in the office is pretty sick but still came in, Lord protect me from the colds! and the owner was at a closing so Myself and the sicko were it today crazy! About mid day I received a call from a young lady that was very upset that we were not out to her house to fix a major issue. She had called on Tuesday and needed someone asap. So I apologized and asked where she lived and what the issue was...She was missing a stopper for the bathtub. No joke really the emergency was a broken stopper for the tub. I explained that they would not be out this week to look at it because it was not an emergency, she however thought it was so proceeded to cuss me out over a stopper. I explained that you could use a washcloth or buy a cheap plug but that was a ridiculous thought and very ghetto. So as I vent I am sitting here eating some lovely chicken wings. I cooked them all at the same temperature for the same amount of time but for some reason the small one was still very cold(don't worry they were precooked) not the fat ones the little baby one how I do not know! Poor little chicken wing, you just don't taste as good when cold!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Accomplishments

So lets see what I have gotten done this week:
1. Washed my car
2. Cleaned out my car still needs swept but it was a start
3. Cleaned the kitchen, dinning room and bath room
4. Started on my room
5. Bought ribbon for wedding bows I have made 15 so far
6. Finished thank you notes from shower
7. Sent out the final invitations
8. Dealt with the credit stuff for my apt
9. Bought my wedding shoes
10. Decorated and bought(not in that order) our unity candle and holders

And it is only Wednesday!!

Eating my Words

Well he sent me a text basically moments after I logged off my computer last night and yes I felt rather dumb and silly! Just to clear that up!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So I am sitting here trying to sleep and well it is pretty apparent that it was not working or I would not be on her right now! So I talked to josh for about 5 minutes on Saturday and said it was ok for him to not call on Sunday cuz they were probably gonna be busy. Well it is not Tuesday and nothing. I sent him a text last night and no response but yet when I texted him today he responded with a simple yes(which was fine it answered the question) but it in someways fueled the frustration of why not text back? So instead of interrupting his day I have attempted to let it go but it is not really all that fun when you are the one left in the Oxford Bubble with no one and no phone calls or texts. Wow I sound pitiful, it is the sleep deprivation and the fact I have been sick since Monday morning I am sure.

Kids Night

So everyone (staff) is out of town this week so I had the kids all by myself cool no big deal I can handle a few kids. Praise the Lord is was nice outside I thought I was gonna lose my mind. There were (Daniel, Jacob, Jacob, Dallis, Payton, Jeffery, Isac, Tyler and little Jade) 8 Boys !! they wanted to play and fight and talk about their girl friends. Yes not quite what I had expected but over all they were not too bad, we chalked, played soccer, tag, raced, hide in go seek, and football. I was pretty tired by the end of our 1 hour and a half night!!

But it was beautiful outside really!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

3 Days Down

So Friday was a piece of cake bought wedding shoes super cute!

Saturday: Got up went to a open house for a lady at the church who's home burnt down. Did some errands and when to my personal shower...not nearly as bad as I was expecting really everyone was really nice. I was able to catch up with a few of the girls I have not gotten to see lately. Then dinner and cards with Josh's family. Josh called and was beyond exhausted they drove f0r somewhere around 14 hours and then basically as soon as they got there they went to work. He had gotten a small nap before dinner but was still very tired not to mention the fact he was going to lose a hour of sleep bc of the time change (they had to get up at 7am) We talked for about 5 min!

Then Sunday, today: nothing to special I went to church with the fam. Then lunch at Hardees which I really just don't think I like. Then shopping for wedding ribbon and such. Then home to clean Yea!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Good bye Guys

Well let the me time begin. The crew left today around 4:30pm for Boston and I was left here. I have a bunch of randomness to do this week and financially with the wedding coming I could not go this time. So tonight I head to Dayton to hang with the in-laws-to-be. Tomorrow my personal shower!

Please be praying for the team in Boston!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Frustration or Moody

So today I am not sure why or for what reason I have been extra moody and irritable. I mean I guess it is good to be aware of it but no fun. In some ways I should be relieved I mean invitations went out. My life is booked for the next two months(if not longer)yeah well I really think I should just stop here before my frustration begins again LOL.

In the mist of all this I have been making care packs for the kids and guys as they prepare to leave for Boston. There are 36 in total going! That is so great. I am bummed that I am unable to go but we will see what God has in store for me this week! That is other than work and wedding stuff. But writing the letters and filling out the verse cards for the kids has been so great I have been able to pray over each of those that are going even the ones I don't personally know and I am so excited to see what God does in and through them this coming week.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


NO envelopes today either so instead I went to 3 different stores until I was able to find the last 3 packs of pink envelopes I think exist, if you do see a large abundance of pink envelopes please do not tell me about it...sort of a sore subject. So I had enough to do most of the invitations not all but most.

Invitations are sent out!!! Yea!!!