Friday, August 14, 2009

I Breif Catch Up!!

As you can tell July flew by! and most of August has too! Let me update you on the last two months...

Starting with Back Yard Bible School

We had approximate 20 kids throughout the course of the week. We saw a few new faces and lots of old ones. Each night a different Staff member taught on a prophet, these are some of the pics of the kids acting out the names prophet and just being cool. We had a great week it was really fun to have everyone teach and share!! Yea Back Yard Bible School!
Next Up: Wedding, RED, Baby Shower(for my sister), Mission Team and VBS

Tracey Got married on June 28th small simple wedding
Dawn's First Wedding cake it was lovelyRED, Baby Shower(for my sister), Mission Team Dinner- all in one Day WOW!!

From Cambridge Ohio and Tennessee!!She is super prego!!

On with the show!! Vacation Bible school and Mission Team work!!

Don't Worry I love every minute of my crazy life!

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