Sunday, March 8, 2009

3 Days Down

So Friday was a piece of cake bought wedding shoes super cute!

Saturday: Got up went to a open house for a lady at the church who's home burnt down. Did some errands and when to my personal shower...not nearly as bad as I was expecting really everyone was really nice. I was able to catch up with a few of the girls I have not gotten to see lately. Then dinner and cards with Josh's family. Josh called and was beyond exhausted they drove f0r somewhere around 14 hours and then basically as soon as they got there they went to work. He had gotten a small nap before dinner but was still very tired not to mention the fact he was going to lose a hour of sleep bc of the time change (they had to get up at 7am) We talked for about 5 min!

Then Sunday, today: nothing to special I went to church with the fam. Then lunch at Hardees which I really just don't think I like. Then shopping for wedding ribbon and such. Then home to clean Yea!!

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