Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Frustration or Moody

So today I am not sure why or for what reason I have been extra moody and irritable. I mean I guess it is good to be aware of it but no fun. In some ways I should be relieved I mean invitations went out. My life is booked for the next two months(if not longer)yeah well I really think I should just stop here before my frustration begins again LOL.

In the mist of all this I have been making care packs for the kids and guys as they prepare to leave for Boston. There are 36 in total going! That is so great. I am bummed that I am unable to go but we will see what God has in store for me this week! That is other than work and wedding stuff. But writing the letters and filling out the verse cards for the kids has been so great I have been able to pray over each of those that are going even the ones I don't personally know and I am so excited to see what God does in and through them this coming week.

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