Thursday, March 12, 2009

Poor Little Chicken Wing!

So I am sitting here trying to recoup from my day of too much stress really it is gonna kill me one of these days. Lets recap: I got to work today to find out that one of the ladies I work with got fired! Great...she was making the necklaces for my wedding which is in less than 40 days. She has all the materials and I can't get a hold of her. One of our girls is prego and too sick to work today and the one in the office is pretty sick but still came in, Lord protect me from the colds! and the owner was at a closing so Myself and the sicko were it today crazy! About mid day I received a call from a young lady that was very upset that we were not out to her house to fix a major issue. She had called on Tuesday and needed someone asap. So I apologized and asked where she lived and what the issue was...She was missing a stopper for the bathtub. No joke really the emergency was a broken stopper for the tub. I explained that they would not be out this week to look at it because it was not an emergency, she however thought it was so proceeded to cuss me out over a stopper. I explained that you could use a washcloth or buy a cheap plug but that was a ridiculous thought and very ghetto. So as I vent I am sitting here eating some lovely chicken wings. I cooked them all at the same temperature for the same amount of time but for some reason the small one was still very cold(don't worry they were precooked) not the fat ones the little baby one how I do not know! Poor little chicken wing, you just don't taste as good when cold!

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