Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So I am sitting here trying to sleep and well it is pretty apparent that it was not working or I would not be on her right now! So I talked to josh for about 5 minutes on Saturday and said it was ok for him to not call on Sunday cuz they were probably gonna be busy. Well it is not Tuesday and nothing. I sent him a text last night and no response but yet when I texted him today he responded with a simple yes(which was fine it answered the question) but it in someways fueled the frustration of why not text back? So instead of interrupting his day I have attempted to let it go but it is not really all that fun when you are the one left in the Oxford Bubble with no one and no phone calls or texts. Wow I sound pitiful, it is the sleep deprivation and the fact I have been sick since Monday morning I am sure.

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