Monday, June 1, 2009

Grumpy Monday

Well as most Mondays today was crazy. But unlike most Mondays I was tested and in someways probably failed. My patience was pushed and my energy exhausted. Was my attitude glorifying to God no I am sure it lacked for most of the day. Let see it all started when I woke up around 3am, then 4am then 6:15am and finally 7:50 when the alarm went off. I packed a lunch for Josh as I thought in my mind I don't really have time to pack his lunch nor did I really feel like packing it, but I did. Josh woke up and I had my minor breakdown, and left for work. I was 15 minuets late, greeted by 68 messages not to mention the emails, and my schedule for lease signings had only changed 3 times since before I had walked in the door. I sat at my desk quiet for most of the day working to stay focused on the tasks before me, but when you are interrupted by 100 phone calls a day it is hard to shut the world out.

I find it quite odd how our emotions and attitudes can be triggered by the smallest thing, I was in a great mood yesterday and then all the sudden I am a grumpy, irritated girl. And in some ways I think it is harder to cheer up than it is to suddenly be ticked off.

On a lighter note...I am not grumpy anymore! LOL

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