Monday, December 28, 2009

Congrats Megan

Winter wedding, Megan a girl Josh and I went to college with Wedding was last weekend. Whit her now husband is in the Air Force so they decided to get married after he finished Basic Training which fell the week before Christmas. So the wedding was December 27. Sunday was nice we got to the church and the ceremony was nice and simple. The crazy part was when we left it was crazy snowing. But despite the winter storm we headed to the reception. Megan’s dress was super sweet she had a little winter shawl that went with it very cute with the pics. We decided not to stay too long since the roads were not looking to fabulous. On our way out we exchanged our Christmas gifts with Nathan and Erika. We got I got an assorted pack of Hot Coco and Josh got sweet pocket watch well kinda you will have to ask him about that,

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