Sunday, September 28, 2008

As I Sit

As I sit here thinking on the past 3 years I realize I am so different now compared to then. Which in many ways is great and encouraging. But in other ways scary. The realization that in 203 days I will be a wife. It is wild. So many emotions rush over me. I am excited and happy, nervous and scared, confused and anxious. My life is preparing to change and I am hopefully prepared. The one thing that comforts me is knowing that I am not "making" it on my own I have a saviour that has already made it for me, and He is always right beside me so regardless of how tough life seems I know He is here for me.

For me right now the fun part about the upcoming wedding is knowing that regardless of what I wear or who my bridesmaids are or what the cake tastes like(ok so Josh might care about the cake) I am still marring a wonderful guy whom I Love and what people remember about the wedding does not concern me all that much because at the end of the day it will all be over and I will be Mrs. Joshua Eric Parson. (well hopefully LOL)

1 comment:

Monica said...

way to go focusing on the point of the wedding ceremony. and really Amanda, I'm mostly thrilled about the lives you and Josh will have a part in spurring on toward Jesus after your "I do's." I'm really excited to learn what your normal is like and hear the "Josh and I" normalcy run off your tongue. Personally, the day in and day out with my best friend is by far, hands down my favorite part on this side of the "I do." an't wait to hear what your favorite part is.