Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dude where is my Car?

OK so that was not quite my reaction this morning as I awoke to my mother-in-law to be in a slight panic. Why was she panicking well because my 2004 Honda accord was missing. Yes missing! Not in the driveway where it was left the evening before. Someone stole my car just in case you are confused by my babbling. So our morning consisted of police reports and insurance conversations. I am however grateful that there was nothing of too much value in the car. The only things that were important were... my true love waits ring(i have had it a while like 6years I am a little attached) money from Ruby Tuesday about 130 :(. and well the car of course!

1 comment:

Monica said...

man, that really bites. I still feel aweful for you. again, let me know if you need to borrorw my car.