Sunday, September 28, 2008

A day of Weddingness!

Yea for getting things semi accomplished! Today we went to Helzberg to look at rings for Josh and for my wedding band. Fun I think we found one that we like! Josh found one but we are gonna look online too! After the ring shopping' we headed church shopping' OK so really we only went to one place but it is all good! We really liked it and hopefully it will work out. If not God will provide another option! The Building would be great because it would be large enough to have the ceremony and the reception both there! After that we headed to lunch with Marie at Olive Garden!!! YUM!!! But with a mild amount of disappointment because Marie will be leaving soon to go to Brazil and may not be here for the wedding! Sad face for me! We then had other errands to run and a short meeting with the Mom -in-law to be. And then we headed back to the bubble (Oxford) for kids night and coffee house.

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