Friday, September 19, 2008

Let the planning begin!!!

Well we have started planning and it is just a little crazy... ok more than a little!! This week has flown by and with the realization that we only have X amount of days until I am MRS. JOSHUA PARSON. That sounds so weird! But in a good way. Here is a recap of my last few days...

We have played Ultimate Frisbee 3 times this week that is ridiculous!!

Last night Whitney, Chad, Josh and I went to the melting pot YUM!!! it was a great time.

I started a favorites list and it was kinda fun:
Fruit – pomegranate
Ice Cream – Mint Chocolate Chip (the green kind it taste better)
Or a hot fudge Sunday not chocolate syrup it has to be fudge!!
Dinner - pasta with Alfredo
Vegetable: celery (a like most) raw!
Drink - Lemon Aid without Ice
To play: Probably Softball… but I like volleyball and am starting to like Ultimate now that I am not really bad anymore.
To Watch - Soccer, even though I usually don't know what all is going on. Or Hockey it is fun to watch too.
I like to clean when I am frustrated – my outlet
Favorite chores – Laundry
Color – pink and brown, but I like most
Candy: Sweet tarts(chewy) laffy taffy the big one not the small ones
Restaurant-Olive Garden/melting pot
Season - early summer late spring
Reading in the afternoon when it is sunny and warm but not too hot
Shoes – flip flops and flats
Snack – pretzels and animal crackers

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