Sunday, September 28, 2008

Princess Party and Geek Night

Well from the title you might expect that we (The bridge) held separate events for the guys and girls this weekend...But really it is not as it seems. Friday night after all children had left and we wen home, Ricky, Christina, Andy, Phil and Alyssa decorated Josh's room in pink ribbon and streamers and tons more randomness. The princess theme began when Ricky went to purchase a cake mix for Josh's birthday(9/11 they were celebrating late bc of all the busyness) and he found a Pink confetti princess cake. So the theme continued and Josh room was transformed in to a 6 years old dream room! Now to the Geek Night. The guys and girls began geek night last year and have upheld the tradition. It usually starts around 3 and ends the next morning at some point. I usually do not attend because for the most part it is "not my cup of tea" according to Josh. But really I don't mind playing games but I tend to get frustrated because I don't know what I am doing most of the time, and instead of helping to explain, I either get transitioned out of the game or left feeling irritated because I can't learn while playing with others because stuff goes to fast for me to catch up. But all in all I had a good time. As of right now the night continues and I am doing laundry!!

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