Friday, July 25, 2008

Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do?

Well that was most of the conversation last night at work. These classic song lyrics from Adam Ant's 1982 "Goody two shoes" we my staple. We (Jeff, Audrey and myself) were discussing Drinking and sampling some of our new bar drinks. When asked if I drank I responded with a "no a I don't really care to" Everyone seemed shocked. You see I am not opposed to drinking simply because I am on staff with a church there is a lot of history with my family and drinking. I grew up with a deeper understanding of the pain that drinking can cause a family. So I prefer to stay away. But back on topic. So as the evening progressed and we were all very board. Not to mention that we were having a 'visit' this meaning that our big wigs were coming in for an inspection. So we were extra board because I was the extra server. Well the two I spoke of earlier would ask a question of things that I would or would not do, for instance, do you smoke,or drink, or cuss. The list was much longer than I would of imagined. But it was pretty cool slightly awkward. But hey my actions were noticed. Well the night ended and I went home(I tried a new route and got lost yea for stupid)

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