Monday, July 28, 2008

Ayla has arrived!!

Ayla is my (and Josh's) new kitty. Ayla is about 9 weeks old and has a yellow and white coat. She is super cute and tons of fun. Josh and I got back to Columbus around 2pm on Sunday. We were greeted by our new kitty! ~Background on Ayla's week: She arrived at my parents house on Tuesday, covered with dirt and fleas. She was found outside and was super bony. My parents gave her a flea bath and fed her. The first night my mom was not sure she was gonna make it, because she just laid there not really moving or eating. But by Thursday she was running, playing and eating very well. ~ I left for the Bridal shower and Josh took a nap. He was really not feeling well. We played with the kids and the kitty Sunday night. Monday we drove back to oxford. That was a fun trip with a kitty that wants to climb under your feet that whole trip. After we got back Josh and I had a meeting to go to and some shopping that needed to get done. After all that we came back to play with Ayla. She had been sleeping all day and really did not want to play. We while I was typing she began to trow up! No good. Well now she is kinda laying around but acts like she feels a little better!

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