Saturday, July 26, 2008

26 Days and Counting

So our student arrive in 26 days! It is coming up so soon!! We have so much to do and get prepared.
1. We still don't know if we have a band for our concert on the 23rd after move in.
2. Water bottles have not came in yet, we need to peel them and reliable them.
3. I have not planed/prepared what discipleship stuff I want to do yet.
4. Other events have to be planned and afforded.
5. We need like 5,000 to be able to pay for the food at Shriver (this will never happen they are crazy for asking that much-Chad)
6. I need a new Job!!

We have 25 days till life turns back to almost normal, when I say normal I mean crazy late nights and 1000's of students and crazy drunk people all over campus. Yes that is normal here in Oxford, sad but normal.

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