Friday, August 8, 2008

Yea! For Kings Island. Boo! For Long days.

Well I Wednesday morning and headed to Kings Island with Josh and Phil for the evening. After 5pm tickets are only $15! We met up with Rachel at the park after she got off work. We rod a good amount of rides! Had a pretty good time. One super cool ride was the Firehawk it is a ride that you are laying down on you back and stomach for the ride it was amazing!! The night was long but it was good.

Now for the long days I worked doubles on Thursday and Friday. Not so exciting. Friday was a good day I worked with Kandy in the bar and realized that rater I was a server or a CEO of some fancy company I still needed to remember that God has placed me in that position for a reason and a season so though I am still looking and hoping for a job, I am a little more OK with my situation.

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