Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Count Down!

Ok there are 18 days till move in and my life is getting far from simple. I have picked up some extra sifts at works so I can get some extra cash. but anyway here is a brief run down of the next few weeks just to let you all know how these crazy next couple of weeks are.

August 4th (10-4 work)
August 5th (10 am Meeting with Catering, 11-4 work, 6-8 Kids Night)
August 6th, 7th, 8th (10-4 Work)
August 9th (Sara's Wedding in KY)(and Ali moves back)
August 10th (Josh Sings at Miamisburg and All Staff report day)
August 11th (10am Staff meeting, 11-4 work)
August 12th (11-4 Work, 6-8 Kids night)
August 14th, 15th (work 11-9)
August 16th (Jess' Wedding in Cbus)
August 17th (Church with the Family)
August 18th, 19th (11-4 work, pass out flyiers and lable water)
August 20th (Plan for tomorrow!)
August 21st (they arrive today!!)

And that is just the next two weeks ahhh! You see there is Jamey, Tracy, Mark, and Dustin's Birthday Party. School starting and other things I am forgetting right now.

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