Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thank you Google!

Today was another lovely Sunday here at the Bridge! I would just like to say thank you to Google and the internet in general. We have brunch at the Bridge right now on sundays, it is held at the guys house (which is 221 west withrow, just incase you would like to join us sometime). Usally we have 4,1, or 7. Yes the number changes every week. Today however was a surprise day. We had Rachel join us. Rachel will be a student at Miami Middletown (a sub campus of Miami) she lives in West Chester and Lives in Hamilton. Neat girl. The other visitors we had were Cobrin and his family (mom dad and little brother) he has just moved here for an internship with Miami. Cool his dad looked us up on the internet!! Yea google. We spent the day hanging out with Rachel and then we went to the Block Party that was going on at the Oxford Baptist Church, where we met back up with Corbin. We all hung out and we went back to the house to play cards and chill! Good day! It was a nice break.

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