Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Somewhat FREE Friday!

So it was amazing I did not work a double at Ruby Tuesday, Friday. I worked at the B&B. I went in at 8 and was off at 2 so josh and I could drive up to Miamisburg to go eat dinner with Angie (his almost kinda might as well be sister) Well on my way from work to OX I got pulled over for going 8 over the speed limit:( Very Sad Face. The office however gave me a ticket for seat belt violation instead. I was wearing my seat belt but he said it would be better for me because it would not give me points etc. So I was a little flustered. Then it took forever to get to Miamisburg. But we made it. We had dinner at O'Charleys. After that I took Josh to work and had errands to run. Hung out with his mom for a bit then we went and picked him up and headed to the half price book store! Fun I bought Kids books!!! and some Women's min stuff.

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