Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Kids

The kids we minister to... It is so neat to see how the kids are learning, and how they are getting more comfortable with us each day. I spoke with the Pastor's wife (of Oxford Baptist Church) she is a wonderful lady, but we were talking about many things and how we are dealing with the kids. This made me think of how we are able to plant seeds in each child that we have had made contact with. Some of them were more of a challenge than others but still the love that we attempt to show, I pray it is a start in a change in there lives.

Many of these kids are un-churched and undisciplined. But many of them know the bible stories better than some churched kids. How? I have no clue. The stories are there but the understanding and belief is not. We are working with these kids and attempting to show them that God loves them and that God has something great for them beyond the circumstances of their lives.

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