Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wedding in KY

Sarah Wyncoop and Aaron Kersey got married today. They are pretty cool people. I met Sarah when Josh, Nathan, Erika, Kelly, Andy and I went to Florida in 05. And Aaron I met at Nathan and Erika's wedding over the summer. But the wedding was in ky basically a 2.5 hour drive there and back. I however did not have to drive thanks to my Mr. Wonderful! Thanks Babe. But wearing a dress while riding in a car for that long is really no fun at all. Even though the dress is way cute! And I was way cute too! (Josh was pretty hansome as well) The wedding was fine and the reception was fun, Sarah loves candy so there was a candy table set up so you could go and fill up a bag for your favor. And now we have arrived back home and are super exausted. But the weekend doesn't end there tomorrow Josh is singing at Miamisburg. And then Staff stuff begins at the bridge! Oh and did I mention I might have an interview! Yep definatly maybe do! Will fill in later.

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