Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ICE need I say more

Crazy day for most of us! Josh and Mark went to Kettering to Get Ice from the church. You see they have this horse trough that was used as a baptismal. So they loaded it into the trailer and we on a mission to fill the thing with ice. So the went. Then they had other running to do in that area.
I worked on publications and fliers and cards and more.! Then when the guys got back we went to Kroger and talked with Abe about more ice. Thank you Kroger! The donated almost 9 buckets of ice it was so great! Chad started school today so he headed down to KY to go to southern seminary. He had to leave at 4am. After the fun with Ice, school and computer work we all had our leadership orientation. It went very well. I am so excited about this semester, I can't wait to see how God is going to use each of us and them.

The day ended with brownies and Ice cream. YUM!

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