Saturday, August 23, 2008

Crazy Friday and a More Crazy Saturday!

Well yesterday, Chad and I worked on all the Bridge publications: Fliers, Visitor Cards, Bulletins, and other stuff. I had done most of the stuff earlier this week but it was not all completed yet. Nor was it proofed. So we finished it and went to go print it all and what did we forget? To PROOF it! So minus a few misspelled words it is all finished. Hey I can't spell, and I am over it. I mean really if you were to look at this page while I was typing you would see lots of red, I misspelled "misspelled" Crazy I know. We started after lunch and went until 8pm! Ahhh.

After we got back Courtney Beatty(except it is no longer Beatty) came over to hang out fun fun fun.


I had a crazy morning. Working on cookies, preprations for this weekend, shopping for floss, and more than I want to remember. I drove to west chester, hamilton, fairfield and oxford. After that I worked on Kid stuff for Sunday! Tonight we have the concert and then a drive to columbus!

No naps!

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