Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wednesday: Mean Girls Grown Up

Well it started out ok until I overheard two of my coworkers as they began to talk about how they waited to post the position because I was off probation and how I did not deserve the job I had since my mother worked for the company. I was so frustrated and taken back. I work hard and I try to be nice, but sometimes people are just frustrating. Well after that wonderful moment, we all headed to our video conference, which went ok. So I had to sit in this conference with two girls that might as well hate me and two supervisors that want me to have the job. I don't enjoy stress.

After our conference I bumped into the new lady and we talked a little I asked a few basic questions about her job and such. So I was able to find out a pretty good amount of what she did and it was helpful...except the job is not posted.

We headed to dropped off the car at the muffler man's house to get that looked at, picked up the kids for church and then we headed home to meet a young lady to pick up the left over yard sale items...tell me why it was still 90 at 9:30pm that is just not right.

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