Saturday, June 19, 2010

JP heads to Atlanta For a week

Well Josh leaves for GA this week it is strange how this summer the tables have turned I am the one that gets home on time and he is the one working out of town or working late. But God has blessed us so much just in allowing us to see each other for the few to many hours each day. Though I feel frustrated and displaced with our living situation and work situation I know that God has a plan and though I have no clue what that is yet I am so excited to see where it all leads. Well back to Josh’s trip he is taking 2 college guys with him to this ministry conference then they he will be attending a training on the Habitudes Books. It is so much fun to see how much we have grown over the last year or so. Josh leads Sunday morning church and teaches the youth and studies a lot LOL it is fun to see him grow and see the church grow through that. Though I will miss him this week I know God has great things to teach us through this trip

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