Monday, March 2, 2009

Envelopes Please

Wow it has been a while since I was last on here. I feel like so much has happened and I am not sure how it all has fit into theses last few weeks. Between birthday parties, wedding planning, my semi illness and Church events my life is always on the go. Yes I am a little under the weather not enough to not do anything but just enough to not want to do anything. My weekend was suppose to go like this... Friday Girls night...which went great we had a progressive dinner it was way fun. Saturday - Gospel fest, visit Dayton, Play board games with the students and send out wedding invitations(the ones that I was gonna send out last Tuesday)
Well most went as planned but the envelopes for the invitations still have not come in yet so i called and i check and i emailed nothing no response nothing I am a little frustrated about the lack of communication but more saddened by the fact that i have to go purchase envelopes tomorrow so I can send out the invitations. Not my favorite Saturday...oh the envelopes were ordered on Feb 5, and were supposed to be in by the 12 but no still not in and I have tried to contact them 4 or more times.

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