Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wedding Stress Moment!

So officially (well I might of had others but today was official) today was wedding stress day! Josh called Kettering to see if they had decided on if we were able to rent the church for the wedding. Which we are but they want $800 for the event. OK so that is not too bad considering other places cost much more. But we can not truly afford that. So we are back to the drawing board! So mostly piling everything that has happened over the last few days on has set me over the rim. I need to not focus on everything so much and let God piece things together. So right now we have no wedding location :( But hopefully we will soon. Because I need to know the where before I can decorate in my head.

1 comment:

Monica said...

can't wait to hear about what place God leads you both to for the wedding location. it's always neat to see how God organizes it all into such a beautiful event with the starting means of unexpected twists. but as one who enjoys the "planning well in advance" motif, i can totally understand the stress.