Monday, December 15, 2014


Early November was business as usual, at least for us...JPs parents moved into their new house with granny. We moved in with mom the week before thanksgiving. 

Let's recap our first week at moms. 
Saturday - moving day...enough said except thank you all who helped us we are so blessed 
Sunday - church and wrapping day with the kids
Monday - wind storm with blackout ...poor JP
Tuesday - a new house shows up on the market
Wednesday - nothing too special
Thursday - thanksgiving and time with family
Friday - shopping and house showing 
Saturday - different house showing... Made an offer on 1st showing and offer was accepted. Crazy!

Oh what a week, what a month.


I feel super lame for my lack of posting but to be fair the last few months have flown by with a flash. Started my new job which week one and week two were crazy hard and at moments full of doubts. But after a few changes and support from other staff things have gotten much better. I really think it will be a good fit once I am able to learn and organize everything.

Happy Halloween

Time to announce our exciting news!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Quilt update!

I have finished the quilting part of JPs quilt now I just have to add the binding. Yea just in time before the new job starts lol

Monday, September 22, 2014

“A million emotions”

“A million emotions” that is truly the only way I can explain September. Though I am writing this post on 9/13 I will not publish it for a while…
As from the previous post you can see that I now have a new job and will be starting super soon!! Well in other super exciting news we are pregnant!! Yes I know! I have not been very open on my blog about wanting or trying for a baby. Our story is pretty simple; we have very busy lives that at times are super complicated. When we got married we decided we wanted to wait before adding kids to the mix. About a year ago (last fall) we decided that it was time to start the process of trying. For anyone male or female that is trying to have a baby I pray for you and your sanity each day. I understand the frustration around the process. Even knowing that God is in control and will bless you it is still super hard at times. We have had so many people along the way ask about when we were planning for kids or tell us we better not wait. With each comment my inside would tighten and then you have everyone you know getting pregnant. (it was like when you buy a car and then you notice it is the same one your neighbor has drove for the last year and then you see two more at work…they are everywhere) Through this process JP has been awesome, supportive and ok with my emotional breakdowns. (there are times I just needed to cry and there were times where I needed to not)
Confirmed, 9/18/14, after taking 1 pregnancy test and it being very faint I have taken my follow up test and yes there are two bold lines. Right now it does not feel very real. I feel like I am in a dream. We are super excited but almost nervous. After trying for a year it seemed to happen without us even realizing it. God is funny like that.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The last two weeks!

9/2 The JobMerrile (a lady from Central Office) sent me an email to give her a call stating she had a question. So I called and our conversation led to her announcing that she was retiring and taking a new job with an outside company. Happy for her I was still slightly confused. See I was not an accountant and would not be a good fit to take her position in her absence (this is why I had thought she called). Our conversation continued and she told me that there was a vacant position at her new employer that she suggested me for. She also explained the position was directly under Bill V. (a previous CFO from one of our state hospitals). Merrile did not know much about the posting only that is was a Business Office Director and that I would be a great fit. She gave me Bills contact info and said it was up to me.
Slightly overwhelmed and shocked I called Bill to get more information. He provided the salary requirements and details of the position. Everything was so perfect and over the top.  Later that evening I sent in my resume to pursue the position.

9/3 The Call from HR. I receive a call from Amber in HR to “chat” about the job. So I took a 15min break to make the return call. Well our little “chat” was a full blown interview…not prepared, it went well but I am sure I missed about a 1000 things. But it ended well and from later conversations I did not completely flop! Later that evening I received an email to set up my next phone interview…with Debbie.

9/4 Interview with Debbie. I got the call as I was driving home so I pulled into a nearby restaurant to have our chat. I was pretty prepared for this one. Everything seemed to go well we talked about the company and the job and my experience for about 45 minutes. 2 interviews down lol.

9/5-9/9 Radio silence – it has been a while and still have not heard back on anything, patience is a virtue and I am not great at it J

9/10 Bill sent me an email today to ask if I was free to have a brief chat. I assumed it was to set up my face to face interview but to my surprise it was to offer me the job.  I made the call on my lunch break and was super excited to take on this opportunity and at the same time super overwhelmed.

9/11 After receiving the verbal offer I was still waiting on the written offer to come in…I wanted to have it in writing before I announced anything to my work. Well the offer came in late Thursday so the plan was to break the news Friday. Great way to celebrate a birthday lol(Happy Birthday JP!!).

9/12 Time to say good bye. Early Friday morning I found myself at my supervisor’s door, with a letter of resignation in my hand. I hate quitting and disappointing people. Though he was saddened by my decision he also supported my decision and agreed that it was a beneficial step forward for me. Little by little I announced my separation to friends and coworkers. Each reaction kind (mostly) and sad, with a hint of rejoicing for the new journey that is coming.

So to sum up this jumbled mess, God is so big and so great. Some of you may know the journey that my job has taken me on. There has been conversations of moving up and relocating but never any true action. Then out of the blue I am recommended for a job I knew nothing about and was given more that I could ever ask for or imagine. We will be moving to Columbus as soon as we find a house! Please be in prayer for the transitions, new job, new home, JPs employment, new church and everything else.
More information to come!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Church Travels: The Gathering Dayton

Here is their link so you can check them out too:

Make Your Actions Inspire Others

“Make Your Actions Inspire Others” That is the quote on a small angel that sits on the corner of my desk. Even though I am sure I have read it before today it seemed super timely. Work has been super stressful and life has somewhat been the same. I try really hard to be kind and have a smile on my face. But when the world is cruel is it hard. I remember a quote from somewhere and someone that says “the lost will act lost” and I think I get that but it is when the one who claim to be found act lost that I struggle with. I know we are not perfect people I know we have flaws. And it is still hard to wrap my little mind around that in our sin and disobedience Christ still chooses to love and renew us. But I love the simple reminder that we should “Make Your Actions Inspire Others” remind them that there is a God that loves them even in their current state, there is a God that wants more for them and a God that is willing to save them!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Church Travels: Apex Community

We were not sure where we wanted to visit today so we ended up at Apex, I know that God has a plan in this Church Travel Journey!

Here is their link so you can check them out too:

Long Arm Construct

Today JP and I headed to Mamaws to build her long arm quilting machine. As I am building it all I could think was how much easier it would of been had we been Green Lanterns (super heros) I mean it was not hard but it could've been a lot easier with the power rings. I know I'm a nerd but we have watching a lot of Green Lantern lately. We'll here is the finished project and I can't wait to use it next week.

Quilt update

My quilt is coming along loving it!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My Upside Down World

Have you ever felt like your world was spinning backwards, or on the wrong side or kinda just bouncing by. We'll that has been our last few months. As many know JP and I have left the Bridge for a journey God only knows ( really God only knows, we are still slightly in the dark). For a while the plan seemed simple enough, JP would find a job, we would buy a house in miamisburg and life would continue. Well we are not made for the simple...that is all I can figure. My job has the potential of changing but the location is currently unknown between where we are and another. That change thought quite promising put a wrench in our plans for jobs and homes placing everything on the back burner until we have a more concrete answer. I know as I write this my life does not seem so hard or despairing but when you are sitting at the crossroad of life and feel like you can't read the map it takes a lot of deep breaths and prayers to keep a smile on.

With all the normal drama of my life I told JP that at least we were at a point where nothing else could possibly change. I mean we have the major areas, job,house! Right? Well oops there, with in three days I received a call from my mother to hear the despair of a wounded marriage and the helplessness of a woman who had been let down time and time again. I did not cry, I was not angry I was simply reminded that we have to give control to Christ in all of our journey, in the areas where we don't know where we are going and in the areas we think we have under control. My parents celebrated their 14 year anniversary this past January and to the world they seemed happy, but behind the smiles there were stories of lies and secrets. I love both of my parents, but my heart is saddened by the sinful choices that have been made. For now all I can do is pray that God will open the blind eyes and heal the broken hearts, including mine. 

We are blessed that when in our sin Christ died for us, we are broken people who mess up constantly but he loves us even when we are not very lovable. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy 4th

Happy 4th of July, ok we'll 7 the actually I'm a little behind. It has been a wonderful weekend! Friday was spent relaxing (with an attempt to sleep in, I failed) then dinner at the Parson house with the traditional 4th food (aka burgers and hit dogs) then we finished the evening with some high intensity Skipbo.

Saturday we headed to Youngs Dairy Farm for some fun and of course ICE CREAM! We had a blast with the whole crew, I even got a couple hole in one on the putt-putt course. We ended our Saturday night in the basement at our work stations (JPs computer and my sewing machine) 

Sunday we headed to Frist Baptist for the traditional God and Country Day festivities. I even got to judge the kiddo bike contest. It was a blast.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Church Travels: First Baptist God and Country Day!

Today we got to Celebrate God and Country day with the Parson Clan at First Baptis Miamisburg! Followed by a potluck lunch.

Here is their link so you can check them out too:

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Wedding Weekend...aka mini vacation

We were so blessed to share in the joy of Bill and Ana at their wedding this past Sunday. we carpooled with the Cottons and Since the wedding was in St. Louis we decide to stay an extra day to visit the zoo. Tons of fun! we ate way too much food, visited the arc, saw BumbleBee and the new Transformers movie and had our fair share of walking.

Time to sat Goodbye...for now

The last week has a lot of Goodbyes. chad and Whitney begin their journey in Portland OR. Keeley is headed home to Mississippi. Adam heads across the ocean to share Jesus. We are praying for you all and can't wait to see how God works where you are.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Church Travels: Apex Community

Another visit to Apex to spend some time fellowshiping with the Cargles!! Followed by some great lunch!

Here is their link so you can check them out too:

JP interview follow up

The answer was no but we are just as thankful for the doors God closes as the one he poems...still pray for our transitions.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Trin's Art Party

Had tons of fun hosting an awesome art party this weekend! We decorated cookies, painted canvas and our faces lol.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Church Travels: Frist Baptis Miamisburg

Happy Dads Day, means we headed to church with JPs family and Chipotle for lunch yum!

Here is their link so you can check them out too:

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Jaime Can To Town

We had the awesome pleasure of hosting one of our graduated students this past weekend! It was a fun weekend of thrifting, crafting and chilling! We are so blessed to be apart of her life and so thankful that we have been able to serve Miamis campus these last few years, God has taught us so much....can't wait to see what is next for this amazing lady.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Church Travels: Apex Community

Since Jaime was in town we visited Apex and had a great time catching up with some old friends!

Here is their link so you can check them out too:

Monday, June 2, 2014

JP's Interview

Well our new journey is continuing; JP had an interview/test today for a possible employment opportunity. We should hopefully know something by next week. Please be in prayer for us as we seek to follow God's guidance in all that we do.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

High School Graduations

Oh how old we feel today. So this weekend was time to celebrate a few high school graduates. Andrew's (JP's younger brother) girlfriend Alyssa and one of the kids JP used to watch Parker graduated this week. We were able to attend the graduation parties and celebrate a bit with them both. But the sad part is how old it made us feel we are tad bit past graduation, ok 10 years past graduation. Where does the time go?

Church Travels: Centerville Community Church

This week for our church Travels we attended Centerville Community Church. The message was on John 14 - Heavan is Real

Here is their link so you can check them out too

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Church Travels: FarHills

So since our journey with the Bridge has come to an end we are now begining to look at finding a new church to call home. This week we attended: FarHills Community Church. The message was on the Song of Songs(Song of Solomon).

Here is there link you can check them out too:

Oh and we had Panera for lunch!!! Yum!

Friday, May 23, 2014

My New Adventure

On to my next adventure...stay tuned for Freezer Meal Workshops!... So as many may know I love freezer cooking and teaching others! My freezer meal journey started a few years ago. I was living in Dayton and working in Columbus (and attending school, I know crazy right). So I would double dinner, we would eat one and freeze the other. A few months later I saw the post on Pinterest about Freezer Meal Swaps/ Co-ops. So I started one up with three awesome ladies. We each would make five of the same meal and bring them once a month to exchange (we donated the extra ones to ministry or a family in need). In the older post you can read all about that. We exchanged meals for a year and then due to schedules we had to dissolve the group. But freezer meals never left the scene for us. I started doing once a month cooking making 15 to 20 meals all in one day. I attended a Dinner Done Night by a Pampered Chef friend. It was lots of fun. I considered starting selling pampered chef or wildtree, but I really just love to teach freezer meals so after hosting a freezer meal workshop for my sister to celebrate her new baby, my family convinced me that I should put my self out there and teach others what I love!

Sunday, May 18, 2014


I am so gonna miss these girls!!!! and all the other graduates too...Thanks ladies for being my suedo roommies.

Graduation was a lovely day, we started with a rainy wet morning but the sun was shining during the ceremony! We even got a little pink. Congrats graduates we are praying for you and can't wait to see where God leads you next!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Baby Nixon

Baby Nixon is Born…three weeks early but super healthy and so cute!!! Love the bib my sister and mom made!!! “Lord of the Rings” LOL

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Senior Sunday and Time to Say Goodbye

So I am sitting here before service and though today’s schedule is no different than any other Sunday we have had over the last 8 years. The band is practicing, someone is picking up trash and the faint conversations fill the air. It is a sad feeling sitting her, in a few hours the students will all arrive and fill the seats of the sanctuary. But today will be different we will commission our students who are traveling overseas and stateside for missions, we will celebrate with those who have graduated, and the hardest part will be the moment we say good-bye. Not good-bye for the summer or for a few months; but good-bye for now. This is our last Sunday our last Bridge service as staff and though we have no clue where God is leading we are ready to follow and excited for the future.

Happy Mothers Day Whit

Rebecca and I were doing nursery care a few weeks ago and we decided to do Toddler Art. I taped up some canvases with painters tap and let Annaleigh paint away. It was lots of fun and now the gift is all dry and wrapped up for her to give to her mommy on Mother’s Day!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Has Come and Gone!

April is one of my favorite months (I mean it is the month that JP and I got married in) J This month was pretty great, busy but great. The month began with lots of training (in Columbus for 2 days). Then we had our first ever Couples Board Game (post coming soon),  JP and I had a Free Cheese Fondue Date Night at Melting Pot (who doesn’t love National Cheese Fondue Week). Then JP headed to T4G (It was great to get to participate via streaming). Easter at moms was a little less hectic this year…800 eggs, 4 crafts and Oh totally shared the “Easter Story of Jesus” through Jelly Beans to all the kids!! Yea Wedding anniversary! Secret Church was challenging and encouraging. Back to Columbus and celebrated Moms Bday with pedicures and such! The Gray Havens in Concert (we had yummy pineapple rice) and Back to Columbus to finish out the month! Whew I am tiered just typing all this!



Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ba-Bee Shower for Dawn

The showere went great even though Lisa and I had no voice. Here are some pics of the event! And in case you were wondering it is a BOY!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Foundation Quilting: Here We Go

My new quilting goal is to complete a foundation quilt, this quilt is superhero themed! I am super excited to get it finished...more post to come.
Here you can see what i have got done so far. 
Random squares

 my new serger :)

 Green Lantern Logo
The quilt layout with some of my finished squares