Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My Upside Down World

Have you ever felt like your world was spinning backwards, or on the wrong side or kinda just bouncing by. We'll that has been our last few months. As many know JP and I have left the Bridge for a journey God only knows ( really God only knows, we are still slightly in the dark). For a while the plan seemed simple enough, JP would find a job, we would buy a house in miamisburg and life would continue. Well we are not made for the simple...that is all I can figure. My job has the potential of changing but the location is currently unknown between where we are and another. That change thought quite promising put a wrench in our plans for jobs and homes placing everything on the back burner until we have a more concrete answer. I know as I write this my life does not seem so hard or despairing but when you are sitting at the crossroad of life and feel like you can't read the map it takes a lot of deep breaths and prayers to keep a smile on.

With all the normal drama of my life I told JP that at least we were at a point where nothing else could possibly change. I mean we have the major areas covered...church, job,house! Right? Well oops there, with in three days I received a call from my mother to hear the despair of a wounded marriage and the helplessness of a woman who had been let down time and time again. I did not cry, I was not angry I was simply reminded that we have to give control to Christ in all of our journey, in the areas where we don't know where we are going and in the areas we think we have under control. My parents celebrated their 14 year anniversary this past January and to the world they seemed happy, but behind the smiles there were stories of lies and secrets. I love both of my parents, but my heart is saddened by the sinful choices that have been made. For now all I can do is pray that God will open the blind eyes and heal the broken hearts, including mine. 

We are blessed that when in our sin Christ died for us, we are broken people who mess up constantly but he loves us even when we are not very lovable. 

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