Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Make Your Actions Inspire Others

“Make Your Actions Inspire Others” That is the quote on a small angel that sits on the corner of my desk. Even though I am sure I have read it before today it seemed super timely. Work has been super stressful and life has somewhat been the same. I try really hard to be kind and have a smile on my face. But when the world is cruel is it hard. I remember a quote from somewhere and someone that says “the lost will act lost” and I think I get that but it is when the one who claim to be found act lost that I struggle with. I know we are not perfect people I know we have flaws. And it is still hard to wrap my little mind around that in our sin and disobedience Christ still chooses to love and renew us. But I love the simple reminder that we should “Make Your Actions Inspire Others” remind them that there is a God that loves them even in their current state, there is a God that wants more for them and a God that is willing to save them!

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