Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Has Come and Gone!

April is one of my favorite months (I mean it is the month that JP and I got married in) J This month was pretty great, busy but great. The month began with lots of training (in Columbus for 2 days). Then we had our first ever Couples Board Game (post coming soon),  JP and I had a Free Cheese Fondue Date Night at Melting Pot (who doesn’t love National Cheese Fondue Week). Then JP headed to T4G (It was great to get to participate via streaming). Easter at moms was a little less hectic this year…800 eggs, 4 crafts and Oh totally shared the “Easter Story of Jesus” through Jelly Beans to all the kids!! Yea Wedding anniversary! Secret Church was challenging and encouraging. Back to Columbus and celebrated Moms Bday with pedicures and such! The Gray Havens in Concert (we had yummy pineapple rice) and Back to Columbus to finish out the month! Whew I am tiered just typing all this!



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