Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Today is my birthday, I don’t feel older. It is however strange to say I am 25, really I don’t think I ever got used to saying 24. The ladies at work brought in fruit and donuts for me and another guy whose birthday was during the weekend it was nice. However the rest of my work day was crazy my computer crashed, my server kept going soooo slow, the document I was trying to create decided to close a few times and never save. I had forgotten that I needed to renew my license so I figured I needed to go ASAP. I walked 4 blocks in the crazy cold and snow. When I got there the lady preceded to tell me that their systems were down statewide and she did not know when they would be back up. So I ventured back to the office. I called later and the systems were up so I headed back out into the now blizzard like weather. Oh the fun times we have as we turn older.

Well the Night ended well! Josh and I headed out to dinner. We went to Chilis I had the RIBS YUM!! Josh got chicken...the only let down was they no longer have the white molten lava cake :( 

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