Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy New Year! We are excited to see all that God has planned for the Bridge in 2011. The winter weather did however delay the return of Clubhouse, when school was canceled. But we are now back in the swing of things with a few extra volunteers from some of the other community churches. We are working with the school to increase the number of student that attend our Clubhouse After School Program. Clubhouse is not the only thing growing this month; we have begun our new members’ class. This class is designed to teach what biblical membership is, what the requirements are and the importance.

The East Asia team returned home safely and forever changed. We thank you for your prayers and support as we went and shared, God is amazing and we are blessed to be a part of His mission. Our next mission as a church is Spring Break: Baltimore. We will be taking a team of students to Baltimore to do a variety of ministry and service projects. Please pray for the students as they contemplating going or not going on this trip. Please pray that there will be no hindrance that would prevent them from following God's call.

Please also in prayer for the upcoming summer as we work to figure out a plan for summer Clubhouse and Vacation Bible School. We will need many volunteers, please pray that God will provide the workers that we need and that they have a heart for the children.

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