Tuesday, January 4, 2011


We have arrived back in the states here is the letter we sent out to our supporters:
Dear Friends and Family,
God is Amazing! Josh and I have returned home safely, a little sleep deprived, but that is what a day on a plane will do to you. There are so many wonderful and exciting things that happened on this trip. We are so thankful for this opportunity to go and share. We would love to sit down and share stories and pictures, all 2,500 of them. J
We worked with the Zhuang people. There are approximately 17 million Zhuang, less than 1% are believers and less than 5% have ever heard the Gospel. We were able to share the story of the first Christmas: Christ's Birth with over 5,000 Jr High, High School, and college students as well as their teachers in English and Chinese. It really broke my heart to see the faces of the children and their reactions when we asked if they knew who Jesus was or what Christmas was about. The fact is so many of them have never heard His name and have never been told the stories of His love and sacrifice. They have no hope. It constantly reminded us how blessed we are, and how we often take our accessibility to the Gospel of Christ for granted.
 I remember the week before the trip, rushing to get packed, attempting to get everything caught up at work, and being just plain busy. One thing this trip has taught me is to not be so busy, to slow down and cherish the moments we have. So often we, I, get caught up in the details that I miss God’s still soft voice. Every moment of this trip was a time to share God's love and the Gospel with those who have never heard. It was a great reminder to us that we must be bolder in our faith, step outside of our comfort zone and let a dying world know that without Christ there is no hope.
We are so blessed to share what God has done in and through us in East Asia. Thank you so much for your prayers and support during this trip. Please continue to pray for the Zhuang people, East Asia and us as we continue serve in Oxford with the Bridge Church.

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