Saturday, January 1, 2011

December Newsletter

December is a short month for Miami, but a full month for the Bridge. We started the month off with Christmas Caroling in the Dorms, snow and all! Our East Asia team preformed Christmas Songs and told the true meaning of Christmas to the ClubHouse Kids (Tuesday Night Kids Worship time). There was Christmas Coffee House, Children's Choir Night and ClubHouse Christmas Party. All this was crammed into one week, the second was full of studying and finals!

Well as you read this the East Asia team is on the other side of the globe preparing to come home and share the stories of God's Glory to us all. Staff members and students are preparing for January 10th as Winter Semester begins and many new adventures come our way.

Please be in prayer for all the traveling that is going on with students and staff returning to Oxford with this lovely winter weather. Pray for our hearts that they will be prepared to share God's Love with this campus and pray for the campus and community, that God will soften their hearts and allow their eyes to be opened to his truth. Thank you for your prayers.

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