Friday, August 20, 2010

Less than a month

 With less than 4 week until “Move in Day” we are still going strong. Last week we held Vacation Bible School. We were blessed to have a PowerPlant team of 13 youth from Gardendale, Alabama help us this week. We were able to minster to over 85 children. We had 2 commitments and lots children asking questions that we are following up with. God is working in these children please continue to pray for them.  August 7th we have 20 students and staff leaving for Madison, Wisconsin. There they will be helping a local church planner as he prepare to launch. Please pray for safe travels and a united team as they go to minister and serve. Just a week after the mission team gets back we will be greeting the thousands of students at move in.  Move in Day is August 19, we will be talking with students, carrying boxes and passing out “Bridge Water”(bottles of water with Bridge information on the label). This is a wonderful way for us to minster and build relationships with the new students.
We thank you for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for us as a church as we continue to seek the face of God. Pray for the East Asia team we have 4 that have committed to the Christmas trip. Please pray that financial assistance will be there and that God will continue to prepare and equip them for this trip. Please also pray for the Foundation Team as they are ending their summers we pray that they will be focus and intentional in their ministries. 

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