Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Asia Photos/letter

Dear Friends and Family,
Amanda and I have made it through the first year of marriage and are looking forward to the years to come. Throughout each of our high school and college years we both have been given many amazing opportunities to serve in the name of the gospel of Jesus Christ and for the advancement of God’s kingdom. Not that He ‘needs’ us, but rather calls us to serve and to go in obedience to His command. We are now at a point where we feel God is calling us to another special time of service and sacrifice this coming Christmas.
Amanda and I are currently a part of The Bridge Church in Oxford, Ohio, where I serve as one of the pastors on staff. This is our fourth year working at The Bridge. It has been a wonderful learning and growing experience for the both of us in our walk with the Lord and in our relationship with each other. We have a great desire to see college students and young people make a difference in the world by living beyond themselves for the sake of the gospel. This coming Christmas we are answering a call to lead a team of college students to East Asia to share the true Christmas story in an academic setting. The story of the birth of Jesus the Son of God, who came to save mankind from the penalty of our sins and eternal separation from a holy God by his sacrifice alone.
This is a decision that neither of us has taken lightly and with great humility we ask for your help in making this mission possible. The cost for both of us to go on this trip is $6,500. We know this is a lot of money, and praise God that he is greater than any dollar amount and will provide. Please pray for Amanda and I as we are raising support and have tightened our own monthly budget to invest in this trip as we feel we must sacrifice before asking for a sacrifice from you. Today we are asking that you would prayerfully consider supporting us in prayer, or in prayer and by donation. Your prayers are far more powerful than any amount of money, so please keep us in your prayers from the time you finish this letter until God has brought us back to the United States. Thank you so much for your generosity.
If you are lead to give financially please make checks payable to The Bridge Church and put “Parson East Asia” in the note and mail to:
                                                                        Josh & Amanda Parson
                                                                        718 Black Moat Place
                                                                        Miamisburg, OH 45342

In Christ alone,
Josh & Amanda Parson

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