Friday, August 13, 2010

My friend is leaving

 bye marie Well I feel like I have told this story before. But this time it ends a little different. Marie (one of my teacher friends) has been looking for a job and has not really had any open doors. Well she has one but it is far away…Down in the Carolinas. But like her story last year there is a twist. 2 days before she was planning on leaving for her new home her old school called and offered her an assistant position (less money not full time and no benefits…but a job) so she thought about it and decided that it may work if she could take grad school classed along with the part time job. But Miami would not give her the teacher discount since the school is not an Ohio accredited school. Not fair, but when is life ever fair. So Marie headed down to live with a friends grandmother for a week or two until she finds and apartment with a pool! Another bummer she has to work summers too! 

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