Monday, July 12, 2010

June Update

Well summer is reaching it’s midpoint here at the Bridge. The water bottles are stacked waiting for new labels. This year the guys were able to get  duringduringduringduringduringduringduringduringduringduringduringduringduringwater and vitamin water these bottles will be used durring move in. Wow August is almost here and still so much to do!
We just finished our Back Yard Bible Club, God is so awesome we were able to see over 40 kids this week. Coming up in July is our Vacation Bible School: July 19-23. We can’t wait for our PowerPlant team (a mission team of high schoolers that assist church plants) They will be helping lead the lessons, music, activities and possibly labeling water bottles.
Please pray for our students that are on mission over the summer we have students working at summer camps, Serving nationally internationally, and serving locally. Please also be in prayer as we continue to plan for our August mission trip to Wisconsin. We will be working with a church planter and helping with launch. Thank you for your prayers and support!

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